Glen Waverley Secondary College, Glen Waverley [Top School]
School Facts
School sector: Government
School type: Secondary school
Total student: 1980 (boy:1094, girl:886)
Total staff: 148
Student attendance:
ICSEA value: 1156, ranks No.44 More ICSEA Ranking...
High school rank: No.36 (2010), No.66 (2009), No.55 (2008)
Website: http://www.gwsc.vic.edu.au
Location: Glen Waverley
Address: Osullivan Road Glen Waverley VIC 3150
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School Statement
Glen Waverley SC is a large eastern suburbs neighbourhood school of over 1900 students providing excellent educational outcomes. Despite high demand for student places it is the College's intention to remain a community, non-selective school with the belief that all students can learn and achieve success. Diversity adds to the richness and quality of the students' educational experience with a significant ESL student cohort and over 60 cultural groups represented in the school. The GWSC International School program of around 50 students provides a further global perspective. A significant redevelopment has created an innovative learning environment where individual student needs are central to the curriculum provision. The school's holistic teaching and learning approach incorporates personal learning, enquiry learning, the integration of ICT into the curriculum and the development of collaborative teaching teams focussing on student achievement in a positive, safe and supportive environment. The quality of the student cohort and excellent whole school teaching and learning program is reflected in the College's consistently outstanding VCE results. The College is proud of its excellent co-curricular program especially its dynamic music and sporting programs. |