Education is always a topic of public interest and concern. Recently, there has been a controversy over whether financial education should be taught as
should be included as...---> teach education 很怪。
a mondatory part of the school program. In my opinion, although financial education can bring students some benefits, it is only suitable for a selective course.
be suitable for sb: 适合某人, 在这里用法不对
Obviously, students study in school in order to acquire more knowledge and these learning
these learning: 前面根本没提 那些 learning, 所以 指代不清
enable them to make a better development in the rapidly changing society. Therefore, students could
could: 能..., 我觉得用 should 较好。
be taught on rather extensive
rather: 较口语, extensive 换成 comprehensive 怎么样(不确定,呵呵)
courses, such as history, arts and sports, even finacial one.
financial,拼写错误 且 用的不好
However, due to the limited time spent on their study, students should select some courses that can develop their intelligence and bodies, such as math, sports. In this case,
in this case: 不太恰当
financial eduaction should, as a selective course, be taught to those students who are very inerest
in financial issues and have more spare time.
we can not ignore the importance to some special students. For instance, it is universally acknowledged that some students have higher gift rather
rather 用的不好, higher gift 不知道有这种说法没
than those common
students. Sometimes those mandatory courses can not meet their demand,
some extra courses, like financial course, will be the best one of their choices. Therefore, financial education, as a modantory component on school educaton, is only suitable for those gifted students, not for all ones.
All in all, considering the difference of students and their limited study time, the financial education should not be mandatory part of the teaching scheme, and only is
语法错误 be
a better choice for those students having gifted ability
怪怪的, 用gifts OK了
so as to they could gain more knowledge during their educational period.
总的来说, 逻辑不太清楚, 第二段 说 有时间的 同学可以学下, 而第三段又说 只有有天分的人可以学。
个人愚见哦, 肯定 也有不恰当的地方, 望 见谅,呵呵 |