With the introduction of a more targeted SOL, the Department will look to develop State and Territory Migration Plans to provide states/territories more flexibility to sponsor applicants for a broad range of occupations which will not be on the new SOL.
The Plans will be in the form of Memoranda of Understandings between the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, and the relevant state/territory government minister.
These plans will specify the number of applicants each state/territory government can nominate, and which occupations they can nominate skilled migrants for.
State and Territory governments will identify occupations which are in demand in their jurisdiction.
Plans will provide states and territories with flexibility to address specific skills shortages.
These plans will be in place by mid 2010 to coincide with implementation of the new targeted SOL.
Under the current priority processing Direction, applicants sponsored under a State or Territory Migration Plan are given the second highest priority.
以上文字引用自移民部内部政策讨论会的演讲稿。众所周知2月8号的签证审理顺序又作出了进一步的调整,在这个顺序上,STATE AND TERRITORY MIGRATION PLAN将位于第二优先类别。由于这个PLAN是新的东西,所以在这次讨论会上移民部的官员作出了一些解释。首先这个PLAN将会和4月底推出的SOL有所差别,是各个州与领地根据自身情况而推出的一个清单,但是又不同于原先的周担保清单,我估计这个清单与周担保清单的不同之处在于新的PLAN将更加细化,而不像周担保清单那样参考SOL,所以PLAN里面的职业可能会有具体的配额,一旦配额达到,那么申请就暂停。而且这个PLAN的职业范围我估计也会更广,有些冷门职业将会首次出现在这个PLAN上。更多内容会继续关注,为大家分享。