本帖最后由 ScientificAmeri 于 16-6-2016 18:49 编辑
Thanks, in fact, I became enlightened a little late, otherwise I may not be in NZ.
Anyway, that may be a Yuan(Mandarin)/En(Japanese). Even in case I did successfully graduate from MIT, I may not necessarily be truly happy. Like 6th Master Huineng used to say, he has the Yuan with the south.
Another interesting story I'm happy to share is I met Mormon missionaries last month, who aggressively encourage me to join the church. Though I've already received the valuable taught of Zen and didn't expect anything else would be more "powerful", but since never touched any Christ before, I'm curious about their theory, while they appeared kind people, finally accepted.
However they later require me to pay 10% raw income lifelong as the tithe. I thus had a debate with them, arguing about the real meaning and necessity of the 10%, ... much details ...
eventually up to their bishop lost the debate with me, what's more two young missionaries felt that I said makes sense, and happy to know about the "true rule of life" the Zen from me.
This event convinced me that the theory of Zen is to date unbeatable, and I was so lucky to know about it earlier than many others.
Even scholars writing for Scientific American praised the original Buddhism is the most scientific/rational philosophy rather than a religion (compared to chirst/islam). An report in Nov 2014 Scientific American also illustrated the medical effects of meditation analyzed using approach.
If you slightly know about any of those, you'd soon find they are more valuable than the life with a house/family and no long craving for (unfortunately none of my family members is able to understand it). |