3 我已经搜集了水电煤的单子,但是由于是租的房子,单子上面都是房东的名字。而且我是在付费通上面交的水电煤,所以提交上去的也都是付费通的电子版收费认证。我觉得这个也属于verifiable文件,但是CO给我的答复是:
Evidence of your relationship with your de facto partner - I am not at this stage
satisfied with the evidence of relationship with your de facto partner that you have
provided to date. The utility accounts that you have provided do not show the names
of both appliants and in fact the only bank statement showing both names was only
issued earlier this year. We therefore require evidence of both applicant's other
correspondence, personal accounts, government or other third party verifiable
documents, etc going to the same address for at least the previous 12 months prior to
date of lodgement.