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前一阵子在ebay上买了一个功放,说是brand new(not opened, not used, in original package...),收货后一看其实是卖家打开过用过的东西,首先包装上的透明胶布贴了不止一层,其次里面还留了卖家的一页手写提示告诉我要用随功放一起过来的变压器(因为功放是美国货,和澳洲电压不一致),最后变压器还是装在一个本来装锅的包装盒里给寄过来的。太欺负人了,决定退货。上Paypal提出dispute后升级成claim,要求退款。
To continue with our investigation, we need you to send us documentation
from the third party or organization that evaluated this item that
confirms they confiscated it. The document should detail the extent of the
original damage or clearly explain how the item received significantly
differed from the item advertised. If possible, the document should include
a serial number and description of the item. If possible, the document
should be on letterhead and include the name, address, and phone number of
the individual, business, or organization so that we may contact them if
我的问题是一般对做证明的这个third party有什么特殊要求吗?我找邻居写一个描述他看到的情况行不行? |