这封信的落款是我的CO呢,Groups 1-2 是什么?
As a result, the priority arrangements implemented on 1 January 2009 following the Minister’s direction in relation to the order of consideration of certain applications for sponsorship, nomination and visas under the Skill Stream of the Migration Program, will remain in place for 2009–10. Consistent with that direction, visa applications under the permanent GSM Program will be processed according to the following order:
1. employer sponsorship
2. State or Territory sponsorship
3. an occupation on the Critical Skills List (CSL)
4. an occupation on the Migration Occupation in Demand List (MODL)
5. all other applications in date of lodgement order
The arrangements put in place will continue to ensure that priority is given to employer-sponsored and government-sponsored visa applications, and that skills shortages in particular fields and regional areas are addressed. Furthermore, the CSL will remain in place for those applicants who have skills in areas of critical need and are seeking to migrate to Australia without a sponsor.
How are you affected?
Your application does not fall into Groups 1-2 and your nominated occupation is not on the CSL (http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... cal-skills-list.pdf). This means that no further processing can be done on your application until all applications in Groups 1-3 have been finalised. |