indicate the exact period of employment, including:
whether permanent or temporary
full or part time
the main five duties undertaken
the salary earned
include a payslip from your current employment; this is especially important for applicants working in government departments.
position/s held
Note: Positions should not be described by generic titles (for example, research officer) but according to the nature of the duties undertaken (for example, research chemist)
如果你的实习是没有钱的,我认为基本没戏。但如果实习是有钱的,就最好不要写实习,换成上面accept的一种讲法,免得以后麻烦。如果工作时间够,尽量还是不要写part time或者实习,如果你part time 或者实习的公司没有对你的资料记录好,以后调查会很麻烦,出错的机会很大。