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[音乐] 推荐 Sibelius Festival

发表于 4-6-2007 12:01:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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在AD的古典乐迷,这个月底和下个月初,是芬兰作曲家西贝柳斯节日,在Adelaide Festival Centre。其中主要节目是阿德交响乐团连续一周演奏他全部交响乐和一些有名的交响作品,还有小提琴协奏曲。据说参加任何一场都可以自动进入抽奖,奖品是两人到芬兰的旅游票

我自己买了有小提琴协奏曲的那场,即使不买任何一场音乐会的票,也可以去festival centre那里有西贝柳斯的展览可以免费参观,另外每天晚上的音乐会之前,照例会有pre concert talk,演奏着介绍作品,这个也是免费进入的,我一直觉得这个pre concert talk 挺不错的,既有得挺讲,也有得听片段的演奏。


http://www.adelaidefestivalcentr ... =3355&id=181502


发表于 4-6-2007 13:58:05 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 5-6-2007 11:46:18 | 只看该作者
还收到Adelaide Symphony Orchestra寄给我的月刊,内容全是和这个有关的,还有一些免费的节目:

Welcome to June's edition of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra's E-News in 2007.

Jean Sibelius is one of the most distinctive voices of the 20th century. In late June and early July, the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra present the Sibelius Festival ..a unique journey through some of the most striking symphonic landscapes in all music. Concerts, exhibitions, films and forums will explore the music and the man. Join Maestro Arvo Volmer and the ASO for the Sibelius Festival.

For a copy of our Sibelius Festival brochure, click here.
For even more information on the Festival, click here for our media kit.

    * Close to Nature
    * Did you know - Cor Anglais
    * Sibelius Festival - Free Talks
    * Favourite websites
    * Offers

Having trouble viewing the images in this email? Enter the following URL into your web browser: http://www.aso.com.au/enews/June07.htm

ASO Plays Cabaret

Festival Theatre
Friday 8 June at 7.30pm
Saturday 9 June at 8.00pm

Tasmin Little Plays Elgar

Adelaide Town Hall
Thursday 14 June at 6.30pm
Friday 15 June at 8.00pm
Saturday 16 June at 6.30pm

Sibelius Festival

Adelaide Festival Theatre
28 June - 7 July
Conductor Arvo Volmer

Burt Bacharach
and the ASO

Adelaide Festival Theatre
Wednesday 4 July at 8pm



Sibelius's music is said to have been inspired by phenomena in both Finnish and Lappish ancient religions, beliefs, story telling traditions and their relationship to nature that contain features separating them from the traditions of Western and Southern Europe.

Contemporary Finnish environmental landscape art challenges us to ponder, who we are, where we belong, and what our place is in the great universal cycle'. Like Sibelius, 'environmental artists share an interest in truly experiencing a place.

Environmental art uses nature as its raw material and as a display site. As such, it is expressed in many ways: as a home to mythological spirits, as a refuge from the urban world, as a gateway to the spiritual world of beyond, as a place of mental purification, as a homestead and a place of work, as an object of exploitation, as a depiction of ecological problems or as a forum for political power. Click here for more information.

As part of the Sibelius Festival in late June and July, the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, the Adelaide Festival Centre and Lea Turto, Visual Artist in Finland present photographs of Finnish Environmental Art. Sibelius - Close to Nature: Mark of the Forest, Festival Theatre Foyer, 28 June - 31 July 2007

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* The cor anglais is the tenor version of the oboe (sometimes known as the English Horn). It looks different to the oboe with a bulbous bell at the end, also with the reed fitting into a metal crook that extends from the main body of the instrument. Oboe reeds fit directly into the instrument.

* The cor anglais originated in France in the late 17th century and was first used in French military music. Because of its particular sound and quality, composers started to use it for slow, expressive solos (for example the 2nd movement of Dvorak's Symphony No.9 and Rodrigo's Guitar Concerto).

* The canes used for cor anglais reeds usually come from France. The type of cane used grows well in areas that grow grapes, and they can be found growing along the roadside in parts of the Barossa Valley.

The soulful strains of the cor anglais will be heard in the Sibelius Festival when Peter Duggan, the ASOs Principal Cor Anglais plays one of Sibelius's most haunting tone poems The Swan of Tuonela from the Lemminkainen Suite .
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As part of the Sibelius Festival, there are a whole range of extra activities including two daytime talks in the foyer of the Festival Centre.

Anni Heino, a musicologist and writer will present Sibelius the Man, drawing on the newly-published Sibelius diaries, a portrait of the man and his relationship to Finnish history and identity (Monday 2 July, 10.30-11.30am, Piano Bar, Festival Centre).

And Robert Bell, Senior Curator Decorative Arts and Design, National Gallery of Australia will present Finnish Design: From National Romanticism to poetic functionality. Since their entry onto the world stage at the end of the 19th century, Finnish designers have played a key role in shaping their country's cultural landscape. Drawing from Finland's history and taking inspiration from its unique and dramatic environment, designers such as Eliel Saarinen, Alvar Aalto, Tapio Wirkkala, Timo Sarpaneva, Armi Ratia, Yrj


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