The ACS suitability criteria will determine the “Skill Level Requirement Met Date” which will be noted on your ACS result letter.
All relevant work experience completed after the “Skill Level Requirement Met Date” will be considered “Skilled Employment” and eligible for points under the skilled migration points test.
The work experience required to meet the suitability criteria is NOT included as “Skilled Employment” and is NOT eligible for points under the skilled migration points test.
You complete a Bachelor in Jan 2008 and you have 4 years of work experience from Jan 2008 until Jan 2012.
2 years of work experience will be used to satisfy the suitability criteria and your Skill Level Requirement Met Date will be Jan 2010.
All suitable work experience completed after Jan 2010 will be considered “Skilled Employment” and eligible for the skilled migration points test.
The 2 years of work experience used to satisfy the suitability criteria is NOT eligible for the skilled migration points test.
Please Note: While the ACS is authorised to assess ICT skills assessments, the final decision in awarding points remains with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
如果你是用你的研究生ICT专业学位来申请,那么根据ACS职业评估的要求 所以需要2年达到ACS需要的skilled level met date,这个2年是从你近10年的IT就业记录来扣的,也就是从 2001年11月开始的2年后,也就是至少在2003年11月达到了skilled level,在这个日期后可以为skilled employment claim分数。但是ACS同时规定了 如果你的ICT学位获得时间晚于你skilled level日期,你的skilled level date要以学位获得日期为准,也就是2007年7月以后为最终的skilled level met date.
The following employment after November 2007 is considered to equate to work at an appropriately
skilled level and relevant to 263111 (Computer Network and Systems Engineer) of the ANZSCO Code.