For the 489 visa, applicants must meet one of the following criteria and provide evidence to substantiate the claim:
-currently working in the nominated region in a nominated or closely related occupation; or
-have a job offer in the nominated region in a nominated or closely related occupation; or
-provide three screen shots of current job opportunities in a nominated region in your nominated or closely related occupation.
This information is available on the Skilled Migration WA pages of the Western Australian migration portal.
Please note the Department of Immigration and Citizenship has determined that the Perth metropolitan area is not considered regional for the Skilled - Nominated (Provisional) (subclass 489) visa, as such you would not be able to live or work in Perth while on this visa. Research on a chosen region outside Perth metropolitan area must be provided.
NB: To ensure your application is not affected by proposed changes on 1 July 2013 please respond to this email request by 30 June 2013.
Research on a chosen region outside Perth metropolitan area must be provided.
这个也很重要,网申489要回答很多问题,其实问题都是围绕着这个主题。你要告诉WA 为啥你选择这个(边远)城市,为啥你的职业在哪里有前景。加油拉~~~