Saturday 27 November - Old Beaudesert Road, Coulson
Leader: Barry Jahnke ph 0411 278 865
This is a combination of easy walk and drive along a quiet back road near the Teviot Brook. The route takes us past open paddocks, open forest and riparian habitats, some ofwhich will be effected by the Wyaralong Dam proposal.
Directions: Take the Ipswich - Boonah Road or Beaudesert - Boonah Road to where they meet at Coulson. Just below this junction is a bare patch beside the Beaudesert-Boonah Road, where we will meet at 7am. Bring morning tea and lunch, as well as protection from sun and insects.
Meetings are held at the Royal Geographical Society's Rooms, 237 Milton Rd, Milton (opp. the Railway Station, UBD 159 F11) on the first Thursday of each month except January. Doors open at 7:15 pm, the meeting starts at 7:45 pm with a short talk followed by notices and other business. This is followed by the main address. Following questions members are invited to raise further business, announcements or issues. Supper is provided after the meeting and a $2 donation is requested to assist with the cost of refreshments and hire of the venue.
Speakers calendar for 2010
December 2nd: Tthe Annual General Meeting of Birds Queensland (Queensland Ornithological Society Inc) will be held on Thursday 2nd December 2010 in the Royal Geographical Society's rooms at 237 Milton Road, Milton. The meeting will start at 7.30 pm. Election of the Management Committee for 2011 will take place at this meeting, for the positions of President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to 10 Committee Members.作者: 可爱的笑翠鸟 时间: 21-11-2010 08:00
太感谢了我住在城里作者: 可爱的笑翠鸟 时间: 21-11-2010 08:07
我对湛江也很熟哟 我家乡是茂名的作者: 136mydream 时间: 21-11-2010 08:09