
标题: 大选动态:Tony Abbott今天首站在布里斯班,很精彩 [打印本页]

作者: lookaround    时间: 8-8-2010 22:08
标题: 大选动态:Tony Abbott今天首站在布里斯班,很精彩
今天tony首站在布里斯班,看了电视直播,julie bishop的讲话很幽默。

tony 最好笑的一句是 The only unfair dismissal that anyone has asked me about in the course of this campaign is Kevin Rudd's!
哈哈, 狂顶tony,狂顶联盟!
Six weeks ago Kevin Rudd was so toxic to the Labor Party that he had to be politically assassinated
Now it seems Julia Gillard is so toxic to the Labor Party's political prospects that she has to be assisted by the man who she assassinated.

[ 本帖最后由 lookaround 于 8-8-2010 23:07 编辑 ]
作者: Espresso    时间: 10-8-2010 23:04
作者: ritz    时间: 10-8-2010 23:20
好像说Queensland有比较多marginal seats, 属于兵家必争之地
而且由于JG干掉了Kevin Rudd,当地很多选民对ALP很反感,Tony大概想拉拢这些人
作者: Espresso    时间: 10-8-2010 23:24
QLD,不仅是这个原因,同时因为 anna bligh 的事搞的太差劲,反对工党的人现在是越来越多的。所以,这是为什么julia 赶紧向 kevin 伸橄榄枝的一个原因。上次的调查,好象工党大败的来着。

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