I think the point is that we all trusted this new company called Lenovo to continue with the quality of products and services as offered by IBM. I think by being cheap Lenovo is making it clear that all they want is to sell a shipload of computers and maximize their profits. I do not see Lenovo caring about negative publicity (forget about customer care). But I hope that we all create enough negative publicity that Lenovo's shipload projection shrinks down to a canoe load. I am IT consultant for a few small companies and this incidence has put Lenovo in my blocked list.
原帖由 ubuntuhk 于 5-5-2010 02:28 发表
但习惯了Thinkpad T4x之后,就很难喜欢别的品牌的笔记本了,所以虽然thinkpad沉沦了,感觉还是要比其它的笔记本好(macbook 除外,不过macbook pro实在太重了,也喜欢不起来)。
原帖由 philprovence 于 5-5-2010 03:08 发表
IBM当初之所以卖掉PC department,其实就是因为发现不赚钱,对于消费者而言产品品质当然是越高越好,对于生产厂商而言,就是要在品质、成本之间找到一个合理的平衡点。说得难听点,就是保证少部分用户的抱怨,不影响 ...
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