据说与鸭子相比有不同的营养物质 ,我现在准备加点调料泡泡,扔进烤箱了就行了作者: frozen_heart770 时间: 12-12-2009 13:51 标题: Traditional trukey with Forcemeat Stuffing 以下内容来自 THE AUTSTRALIAN WOMEN'S WEEKLY - HOW TO COOK ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING.
Preparation time: 40 minutes
Cooking time: 3 hours 10 minutes
Sercves: 10
4.5 KG turkey
1 cup (250ml) waer
80g butter
1/4 cup (35g) plain flour
3 cups (750ml) chicken stock
1/2 cup (125ml) dry white wine
1. make forcemeat stuffing - stuffing是火鸡餐里非常重要的一个内容啦,我看朋友和家里人都吃一大堆stuffing...
40 g butter
3 medium brown onions (450g), chopped finely
2 bacon rashers (140g), rind removed, chopped coarsely
1 cup (70g) stale breadcrumbs
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh tarragon
1/2 cup coarsely chooped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/2 cup (70g) roasted pistachios
250g pork mince
250g chicken mince
Melt butter in medium grying pan, cook onion and bacon, stirring, until onion softens. Unsing hand, combine onion mixture in large bowl with remaining ingredients.
2. Prheat oven to moderate (180C/ 160C fan-forced)
3. Discard neck from turkey, rinse turkey under cold water, pat dry inside and out with absorbent papaer. Fill neck cavity loosely with stuffing, tie legs together with kitchen string.
4. Place turkey on oiled wire rack in large shallow floameproof baking dish, pore the water into dish, brush turkey all over with half of the butter, cover dish tightly with two layers of greased foil. Roast 2 hours, uncover turkey, brush the remaining butter, roast uncovered about 45 minutes or untill browned all over and cooked through. Remove turkey from dish, cover turkey, stand 20 minutes.
5. Pour juice from dish in to large jug, skim 1 tablespoon of the fat from juice, return to same dish. Skim and discrad remaining fat from juice. add flour to dish, cook , stirring, untill mixture bubbles and is well browned. gradually stir in stock, wine and remaining juice, bring to boil, stiring , until ravy boils and thickens. Straing gravy into serving jug, serve turkey with gravy.作者: 136mydream 时间: 12-12-2009 20:12
不如写怎样做鸡,关注的人会多些作者: dragut 时间: 12-12-2009 22:04
在地上挖个坑,用锡纸包住TURKEY埋在坑里,埋土,上面生柴火,闷烤20-30分钟----PILBARA的地质工作者当年就是这么吃火鸡的.作者: chupa 时间: 14-12-2009 18:15