为了达成这样的文章结构,一些关键的万能句式和连接词是必须的。注意,如果想拿超过6分,最好别用太没有新意太烂的连接词,譬如meanwhile, nonetheless, nevertheless这样的词,就比however好一些,譬如the primary reason is 就比firstly好一些。secondly but more importantly 就比secondly 好一些。我列举一些看似很常见的连接词,可以连接从句或者连接句子与句子,其实,如果真的能把这些看似简单的词用活了,6分肯定没有问题。
in order to
with regards to
account for
according to
aim to
rather than
as well as
such as
on the contrary
salient example, an particularly good example,
imagining, assume(虚拟一个假想的情况加以驳斥)
it seems that
than ever before
it is vitally important that
for the sake of
prone to/ incline to
it is essential that
a undeniable/ indisputable/ irrefutable/ uncontestable/ fact is that
and vice versa
as follows
There is an exceptions to every rule.
There are two sides to every question.
Every cloud has a silver lining.
譬如admittedly, 就是从主要观点段落转入反面平衡观点的一个很好的转折词,或者用There is an exceptions to every rule/There are two sides to every question/Every cloud has a silver lining这样的句子来转折。
the recent decade (21st century) has seen many changes not only in science and technology but also in our lives styles. 这就是一个很好的句子。如果是科技类的,可以就用前面半截,如果是写生活方式、环境类的,可以用全了。这个句子是我用前面半句,再用连接词自己造的。譬如我这次作文(现代人们更愿意把用坏的东西扔了而不愿意修理),我就用了。很容易就写出如下的引言:
The recent decade (21st century) has seen many changes not only in science and technology but also in our lives styles. Nowadays people prefer to purchase new products and throw the broken or even just old-fashioned ones into bin, rather than repairing it. This did bring us some awful impacts on environment. In this essay, I will discuss some of the causes as well as some feasible measures. (68 words)
整个引言68个单词,对于4段的文章结构(引言,影响及原因, 解决办法, 结论),这是个不大不小的开头。其实,刚才这样的文章开头其实很容易写出来,用词既准确又不难。
In order to stem this terrible tide, we should address its root cause. At the heart of the matter is the disputable fact that products become more and more cheap those days because of the process of industrialization, so the repair fee may cost you more than buying a new one which have more up-to-date functions. (55 words)
这就是一个很好的主题句,第一个句子是承接句,第二句是主题句。后面围绕这个主题句来提供evidence, 或者接着超前引申。譬如接着超前引申,接着写:
So consumers are driven to dispose their old ones and buy a new one. They just pursue a convenient life style and never ponder the inconvenient influence in the environment and in the future. It is easy to find a technician who offer repairing service a generation ago, but now it is difficult to find anyone who lives on repairing service in big cities. (64 words)
Secondly but more importantly,it is the producer who promote their new products frequently and advertise it on the mass media such as TV and Internet and lure people to throw their old ones and buy a newly promoted one, encourage them to keep up with the Joneses. A research conducted by Tsinghua University reveals the striking fact that people at least have changed more that 3 mobile phones in some affluent cities in this decade. (77 words)
In my perspective, it is Utopian to assume that this hard-nut-to-crack problem can be resolved in the predictable future. But it is by no means insurmountable. Firstly, the consumer should be educated and be encouraged to repair their electronic devices. Secondly, laws should be introduced to restrict the usage of some material and subsidy should be given to those who prefer to use environmentally-friendly material. Besides, manufacturer should responsible for the repairing service of their own products and non-government organizations also can organize volunteers to offer people with repair. This is really a complex problem, however, I believe that the measures I mentioned above will be a good first step. (112 words)
The recent decade (21st century) has seen many changes not only in science and technology but also in our lives styles.
This did bring us some awful impacts on environment.
In this essay, I will discuss some of the causes as well as some feasible measures.
In order to stem this terrible tide, we should address its root cause. At the heart of the matter is the disputable fact that
Secondly but more importantly
A research conducted by Tsinghua University reveals the striking fact that
In my perspective, it is Utopian to assume that this hard-nut-to-crack problem can be resolved in the predictable future. But it is by no means insurmountable.
This is really a complex problem, however, I believe that the measures I mentioned above will be a good first step.
link to
related to
a contributing factor is
** he driven to***
for the sake of
譬如从富国是否应该帮助穷国来说,可以分为道德与伦理上的,政治上的,经济上的三个部分,每个部分分析一两条理由,再就一个主要的因素拿出一个具体例证,就足够了。譬如,道德上,我们不能自己过得很好而对别人的痛苦无视:it is moral wrong to take a blind eye to the plight of the other people.然后痛苦可以有饥饿、战争、洪水、干旱、缺乏医疗等等,可以在一个长句里头列举,也可以分成几个句子分别详细谈谈,然后谈谈道德的重要性,一个段子就出来了。
The 21st century has seen many changes not only in science and technology but also in our lives styles. Nowadays people prefer to purchase new products and throw the broken or even just old-fashioned ones into bin, rather than repairing it. This did bring us some awful impacts on environment. In this essay, I will discuss some of the causes as well as some feasible measures.
In order to stem this terrible tide, we should address its root cause. At the heart of the matter is the disputable fact that products become more and more cheap those days with the process of industrialization, so the repair fee may cost you more than buying a new one which have more up-to-date functions. So consumers are driven to dispose their old ones and buy a new one. They just pursue a convenient life style and never ponder the inconvenient influence in the environment and in the future. It is easy to find a technician who offer repairing service a generation ago, but now it is difficult to find anyone who lives on repairing service in big cities.
Secondly but more importantly,it is the producer who promote their products frequently and advertise it on the mass media such as TV and Internet and lure people to throw their old ones and buy a newly promoted one, encourage them to keep up with the Joneses. A research conducted by Tsinghua University reveals the striking fact that people at least have changed more that 3 mobile phones in some affluent cities in this decade.
In my perspective, it is Utopian to assume that this hard-nut-to-crack problem can be resolved in the predictable future. But it is by no means insurmountable. Firstly, the consumer should be educated and be encouraged to repair their electronic devices. Secondly, laws should be introduced to restrict the usage of some material and subsidy should be given to those who prefer to use environmentally-friendly material. Besides, manufacturer should responsible for the repairing service of their own products and non-government organizations also can organize volunteers to offer people with repair. This is really a complex problem, however, I believe that the measures I mentioned above will be a good first step. (372 words)