我里面提到医生了啊,就是跟女护士讲黄色笑话那个作者: 青山 时间: 12-11-2009 09:31
呵呵,我们一个中学女同学,大学在协和。有一天她给我们另一个同学(大学也和我同学)寄来生日礼物,结果我们就听他们宿舍里一声惊叫,那个张得很秀气的男同学“花容”失色。我们冲进他们宿舍一看,结果生日礼物是一根手指头标本。作者: fsy7788 时间: 12-11-2009 10:31
光棍好啊,省钱。。。。。哈哈。。。。。作者: xyouc 时间: 19-11-2009 09:48
Most of the local people enjoy single life style because they have more flexible and more opportunities. Recently two local guys in my team are broken with their GF, but they seem not so sad. on the contrary, they have a little bit relief. one of them are going to move to MEL to join GE as a manager, and the other will relocate to NZ too because he decided to accept the manager position in our NZ branch.
All the best to LZ and them.作者: hbb2005 时间: 19-11-2009 17:37
我也是学医的,05年毕业,现在同班的女同学90%都结婚了,我估计这位的要求估计不低,高不成低不就,继续书写剩女传奇。既然选着当医生就在国内好好干吧,来到这里也是一场空,何苦呢。作者: 长腿兔子 时间: 20-11-2009 17:09
我俩姐都是学医的,一个是神经内科,一个是妇科. 做医生还是挺累的.作者: flyingying 时间: 20-11-2009 20:57
狮子座,学医曾经的梦想,祝福LZ!作者: bluelite 时间: 27-12-2009 17:43