
标题: 维州担保政策新变化 [打印本页]

作者: sevendragon    时间: 22-7-2009 16:00
标题: 维州担保政策新变化
Not sure if these changes have been announced here yet, see and for the new lists .

Applicants under the current lists have until Wednesday:

If you are awaiting the outcome of a previously lodged visa sponsorship application from the Victorian Government, please note that:
• assessment of visa nomination applications that were lodged up until close of business 22 July 2009 will be based on the previous eligibility lists
• after 22 July 2009 (close of business), new applications for visa nomination by the Victorian Government will only be accepted for occupations that are listed on the updated eligibility lists.
作者: levix    时间: 22-7-2009 16:07
http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.go ... gibility_July09.pdf
http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.go ... gibility_July09.pdf
作者: sevendragon    时间: 22-7-2009 16:11
原帖由 levix 于 22-7-2009 15:07 发表
http://www.liveinvictoria.vic.go ... gibility_July09.pdf ...

作者: immigrants    时间: 22-7-2009 17:52
VIC 475 visa 以後要有 job offer, 另外 SA 475/487 concessional english 以後都要有 job offer
作者: bobova    时间: 22-7-2009 19:06
原帖由 immigrants 于 22-7-2009 16:52 发表
VIC 475 visa 以後要有 job offer, 另外 SA 475/487 concessional english 以後都要有 job offer

作者: 蒙面超人    时间: 22-7-2009 19:58
作者: joycejohnnie    时间: 22-7-2009 20:01
作者: babytime    时间: 22-7-2009 20:26
原帖由 蒙面超人 于 22-7-2009 18:58 发表

作者: 蒙面超人    时间: 22-7-2009 20:29
标题: 回复 #7 joycejohnnie 的帖子
4 ge 6
作者: 蒙面超人    时间: 22-7-2009 20:29
标题: 回复 #8 babytime 的帖子
作者: MillerYang    时间: 22-7-2009 21:19
标题: 回复 #10 蒙面超人 的帖子
作者: 荞麦皮    时间: 22-7-2009 21:56
作者: tm_stone    时间: 22-7-2009 22:00
都要job offer啊
这么难 啊!!
作者: paulchen    时间: 22-7-2009 23:05
不知我的理解对不对:一,可以有JOB OFFER,也可以没有,即与原来的工作要求一样;二,这里没有提到四个六的问题。三,没有提到亲属担保问题。
作者: 蒙面超人    时间: 23-7-2009 00:39
标题: 回复 #11 MillerYang 的帖子
作者: MillerYang    时间: 23-7-2009 00:50
标题: 回复 #15 蒙面超人 的帖子
作者: royhuang    时间: 23-7-2009 01:11
原帖由 蒙面超人 于 22-7-2009 19:29 发表
4 ge 6

作者: 蒙面超人    时间: 23-7-2009 02:04
标题: 回复 #17 royhuang 的帖子
competent English = 4个6,另外移民局的网站上也有要求(不过这个貌似是指技工的) ... nglish-language.htm

Changes to English Language Requirements for Offshore Applicants

On 12 May 2009 the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship announced that the English language requirement for all GSM applicants who nominate a trade occupation will be increased to a minimum of 6.0 (Competent English) in each of the four components of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test.

The current requirement for those GSM applicants who have nominated a trade occupation is a minimum of 5.0 (Vocational English) on each component of the IELTS test.

From 1 July 2009 applicants lodging visa applications for subclasses 175 and 176 with a nominated trade occupation will have to provide evidence of IELTS 6.0 in each of the four components.

In addition to this, Concessional Competent English has been raised from an average of IELTS 5.5 to at least an average of IELTS 6.0 for applicants of provisional GSM visa subclass 475. Due to these changes, the payment of the tuition fee for an English language course is no longer a legislative requirement. However, our eVisa application still has a question on the payment of the fees. If you respond to the question in the negative, the next screen will not provide you with the option of choosing 'Concessional Competent English'. Until this issue is addressed, we advise you to tick the ‘yes’ box in response to the question on payment of the tuition fees for ‘Concessional competent English' if you have an average IELTS score of 6.0 or above. The response to the question on payment of the tuition fee for an English language course is a temporary solution to allow clients to proceed with the eVisa application and achieve the desired outcome.

We will post a notice on our website when this issue has been addressed.

Note: Applicants with a nominated trade occupation in subclasses 175 and 176 who wish to lodge an eVisa application will not be stopped from completing the application even if the evidence they provide does not meet the new English language threshold requirements. Similarly, eVisa applications from all applicants of subclass 475 will continued to be accepted by the system even if the evidence they provide does not does not meet the new English language threshold requirements. However, applicants who fail to provide evidence of meeting the new threshold for the English language requirement will be refused as they will fail to meet the legislative criteria for a visa grant.

If you have a partner included in your application, you can be awarded points if your partner meets the new threshold for the English language requirement. Further information about all visa requirements is available on the department’s website.
作者: lavahx    时间: 23-7-2009 02:04
原帖由 royhuang 于 23-7-2009 00:11 发表


competent english 就是4个6
作者: 蒙面超人    时间: 23-7-2009 02:13
Are you eligible?

   1. Self assess against the Department of Immigration and Citizenship’s (DIAC) regulations and eligibility criteria for the Skilled – Sponsored (176) visa

English levelsThe following table shows the English language levels and the evidence you will need to provide.
Level of EnglishPointsEvidence required
Proficient25 pointsYou must provide one of the following:
  • IELTSTest Report Form (TRF) Number to show you have a band score of at leastseven (7) on each of the four (4) components – speaking, reading,listening and writing
  • evidence of having achieved a score of `B´ or higher on each of the four (4) components of the OET Test.
Competent15 pointsYou must provide one of the following:
  • evidence that you hold an eligible passport
  • IELTSTRF Number to show you have a band score of at least six (6) on each ofthe four (4) components – speaking, reading, listening and writing.

作者: 蒙面超人    时间: 23-7-2009 02:15
标题: 回复 #16 MillerYang 的帖子
作者: 荞麦皮    时间: 23-7-2009 02:22
作者: 蒙面超人    时间: 23-7-2009 12:58
标题: 回复 #22 荞麦皮 的帖子
From 1 July 2009 applicants lodging visa applications for subclasses 175 and 176 with a nominated trade occupation will have to provide evidence of IELTS 6.0 in each of the four components.


an average of IELTS 6.0 for applicants of provisional GSM visa subclass 475


However, applicants who fail to provide evidence of meeting the new threshold for the English language requirement will be refused as they will fail to meet the legislative criteria for a visa grant.


If you have a partner included in your application, you can be awarded points if your partner meets the new threshold for the English language requirement.

作者: 荞麦皮    时间: 23-7-2009 22:08
作者: 蒙面超人    时间: 23-7-2009 23:17
标题: 回复 #24 荞麦皮 的帖子
你最好写信去问一下。你的做法跟我很像,我 也是申请了175和担保,也是VIC和WA
作者: 荞麦皮    时间: 24-7-2009 00:45

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