
标题: 关于离境 [打印本页]

作者: fanisy007    时间: 11-7-2009 11:46
标题: 关于离境
1。  去新西兰算离境么?如果是,具体手续应该怎么办(比如要重新办理旅游签证之类)?
2.   预签信上说必须提前一个礼拜通知CO我的行程?这一个礼拜指的是7个工作日么?我可以这个礼拜天通知CO下个礼拜天我去新西兰么?
3.   我如何才能确定回程的日期?(我不知道多少天才能贴签证)
4.   是不是必须去澳洲驻当地的领事馆才能贴签证?
作者: eonn    时间: 11-7-2009 12:07
1. 去新西兰算离境,但是该办什么签证去新西兰要看你的具体情况。

2. 信上说一个星期就应该是一个星期吧,如果是7个工作日我想会写成7个工作日的。这个星期天通知下个星期天应该没有问题。

3. 一般预签信上会说等你出境3天后再去当地的领事馆,然后再给5天时间让他们贴签。
After departure from Australia, please allow at least 3 working days before approaching the Australian overseas mission to have visas evidenced in your passport, to allow time for the electronic transfer of visa data to that mission. Details of the department's overseas missions may be found here:

It may then take at least 5 working days for the evidencing process to be finalised, depending on the processing priorities at the overseas mission. If you are unable to go to the Australian overseas mission in person, you should check with the mission for other arrangements.

4. 是。
作者: fanisy007    时间: 11-7-2009 13:07
作者: eonn    时间: 11-7-2009 13:14
Both Auckland and Wellington should be fine. Anyway, you need to confirm with one of them if you go there. New Zealand should be the closest destination for you. Alternatively, South East Asia countries can be a choice.
作者: fanisy007    时间: 11-7-2009 13:14

[ 本帖最后由 fanisy007 于 11-7-2009 12:28 编辑 ]
作者: 我的霍巴特    时间: 11-7-2009 14:35

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