
标题: 制片人揭秘越狱幕后:解释迈克为何而死 [打印本页]

作者: chubbycat    时间: 20-5-2009 06:14
标题: 制片人揭秘越狱幕后:解释迈克为何而死 2009年05月19日 15:34   沪江英语


  第四季开场时在参与别的剧集时,考虑到如果没有做足准备突然让观众至爱的人物死去,他们会恨死你,因为连个哀悼的时间都没有。于是我们决定让他有点健康问题,这样莎拉就有机会缅怀,林肯也能够提前意识到自己的兄弟即将离去,而观众们也有所心理准备。通过这些画面桥段的呈现,所有人都可以抒发自己的情绪。 At what point during the four-year run did you decide that Michael would die in the end?

  Matt Olmstead: At the beginning of this season, we had a debate about it. I was on NYPD Blue and I came on during Season 6, which was Jimmy Smits’ last arc — and it was some of the best TV ever. They had the thought that when a character goes that’s beloved, if you drop a safe on his head, the audience is going to hate you, because they haven’t had a chance to mourn。

  So let’s show up early that the character has a [health] problem. [NYPD Blue creator] David [Milch] did it brilliantly [with Smits' character dying of heart failure], and I always remembered that。

  So when we met with the writers after the [WGA] strike, we asked ourselves: Is Michael going to last? Either way, let’s [give him] a nosebleed in Episode 1. That way we can kind of suggest that something’s up, and it also gives us the opportunity to play some scenes — if we want to go down this road — where Sara can mourn it, Lincoln’s aware of it, and the audience is aware of it. Then they too have a chance to mourn the loss。


  他很喜欢这样的安排。早在之前我们就有过相关的交谈,他认为迈克的双手同样沾满了无辜之人的鲜血,帮助哥哥越狱却害得很多其他人遇难。所以最后所有其他人都活了下来,而迈克死去,对于米勒来说也是恰到好处的安排,至少他所爱之人都安然无恙。 What was Wentworth Miller’s take on the matter?

  Olmstead: He ultimately liked it. He had heard rumblings, and when that script went out, a complimentary email came back from him, because he saw the merits of it. The idea of Michael not making it stemmed from a conversation he and I had in Season 2. He said that at this point [Michael's] hands were as dirty as anyone’s, and that was something we addressed along the way, this mounting guilt. “I broke my brother out of prison, the ramifications of which have included people getting killed” — neither he the actor nor the character were ignorant or dismissive of that。

  So the idea of a finale where [in the coda] he doesn’t make it but everyone else does was the right ending for him as an actor. For Michael to have traipsed off into the sunset with Sara may have seemed a little like, “Hey, good for you guys。”


  其实也分成了两派,一半人希望迈克莎拉圆满结局,另一半则认为迈克理应死去。但看到剧本之后,大家都同意现在的安排很合理。 But the network fought you on the death, right?

  Olmstead: It was split over there; half the people wanted to see Sara and Michael together, and half saw the merit in Michael not making it. Once they saw the scripts, they agreed unilaterally that it was the right move to make。


  故事发生在所有人都被赦免之后,所以当时迈克还会活着。 It should be noted that Michael is alive in Prison Break: The Final Break (a two-hour standalone movie slated for a July 21 DVD release)。

  Olmstead: Right. The Final Break takes place shortly after everyone’s exoneration, so we go back and see Michael alive。


  是编剧Nich想到的主意,故意安排的桥段。 That was a nice little wink you had there with Michael Jr. getting a fake tattoo。

  Olmstead: Yeah, it was [writer/co-executive producer] Nick Santora who had that idea。

  关于Paul Kellerman的回归?

  以前碰到他的时候就跟他说需要你的时候会打电话找你的。他一直对此心怀期待。虽然我们也不知道剧情会去向何处,但早就决定是会留在大结局揭晓的。 Let’s talk about the returns. Did Paul Adelstein (now on Private Practice) foresee your phone call coming? I have always told him that Kellerman would one day resurface。

  Olmstead: I’ve run into him occasionally, and I’d say, “One day you’ll get a phone call。” He was always enthusiastic about it. We didn’t know obviously what the storyline was going to be, but we increasingly wanted to save it for the finale。
作者: chubbycat    时间: 20-5-2009 06:14
    他的回归倒是充满了意料之外的惊喜。因为知道是大结局,并不想随便带个人回来跑个龙套就结束了,还是希望他能够在大结局的剧情中发挥一定的作用。 Rockmund Dunbar [who plays C-Note], I have to imagine, was a bit more surprised。
    Olmstead: I think so. We knew that this was [the end], and who did we the writers want to see back? Who would make a nice impact in terms of the viewers? We didn’t want to just bring him back in a service role; we wanted him to come back for a plot twist。

    这个角色就算了,没考虑过。 Did you consider bringing back Patricia Wettig’s disgraced President Caroline Reynolds?
    Olmstead: No, no…. That character is done。

    我们有考虑过,但是想想最后她最多也就抱着孩子说一两句话,实在也没什么必要,就算咱愿意人家演员也不愿意啊。 And were none of the various Maricruz actresses available?
    Olmstead: We thought about it, but all that we really see is probably her holding the child, or saying one line. It just wasn’t worth our while — and I doubt the actresses would have been interested either。


    当然你也不能就这么把他给杀了,观众实在是太喜欢这个人物了。所以我们就把他放回到他最初开始的地方,但是让他听到一些关于GATE公司的东西,小小地折磨他一下,让他想到自己差一点就出人头地了。 Robert Knepper told TV Guide Network’s Hollywood 411 that the fate you chose for T-Bag was the “greatest” of all the options。
    Olmstead: I think it was very poetic. For us [the coda] was the right combination of people getting just desserts, sweet surprises and tragedy. People were saying that you couldn’t have T-Bag still on the loose, that you couldn’t do the Hannibal Lecter version of it, because that would put a black mark on Michael. That he unleashed this monster on the world.

    Nor could you kill T-Bag, because ironically he was too loved by the audience. So we put him back where he started, but with a heartache. He overhears this thing about GATE and it strikes a chord. It reminds him of what he almost had。
    这部分正是惊喜的部分。他给前妻寄一张生日卡,和他以前的同事成了一对儿。具体的细节还会在《越狱特别篇:最后的飞越》中展开。 That was an interesting romantic twist you did there with Mahone。
    Olmstead: That was one of the surprises. Here he is, sending a birthday card to his ex-wife, yet now he’s with his former [FBI] colleague [Felicia Lang]. We provide more “what happened” information on that in The Final Break。

    我们的编剧团队非常出色,有些人是从第一季开始合作至今的,之后又不断有人加入,有新的东西呈现给大家。在编剧罢工之后的艰难时刻努力证明自己,我们做到了。 When last you and I spoke, you said that Michael’s overnight tattoo removal was your least-proud moment. Looking back on the show’s run, what are you most proud of?
    Olmstead: The thing I am by far the most proud of is that the [writing] staff was pretty much the same through all four years. There were people who were there from the beginning to the very end — Zack Estrin, Nick Santora, Karyn Usher — and we had other writers who came up through writers’ assistants and then got staffed — Seth Hoffman, Kalinda Vazquez, Christian Trokey….

     It was a very tight group, and everything was done collectively, because it is such a serialized show. Every outline was tabled as a group, every script was tabled as a group, every cut was watched as a group…. We got to see people evolve and flourish and evolve, and as luxury to me, I had eight people who were all heavy hitters. At the beginning of this season, we were at a crossroads with the network and the studio — it was post-strike, an accelerated process — about what we were going to do. We had to really show them something, and everybody pitched in and we solved it。

    不知道诶,忙着准备5月18号的拍片会了。 Is there any ratings number you can hit with the series finale that will get The Final Break broadcast on Fox?
    Olmstead: I really don’t know. I don’t even know if they’ve seen it, being busy preparing for the [May 18] upfronts. But we’re really proud of it, and I hope you like it。

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