If your Accreditation(s) was expiring in 2010 and have now beenextended for an additional year, you are entitled to get free productsfor the additional period.
Please be advised that you can only get the free products if you havepreviously bought such products (during the Revalidation period).
If this is the case, all you need to do is simply fill out the attached form and return it back to us.
Renuka Ganesan
Accreditation Officer | National Office
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters Ltd
As per the request for specimen signature/seal/stamp from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, I already forwarded specimens of my signature, business stamp and NAATI stamp, etc. to the Authentications Section of the Sydney Passport Office of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.作者: keepdancing 时间: 17-8-2011 15:42 标题: 晒晒NAATI印章 新一年度的NAATI章,这是我用的第三个了吧?
Guidance for use:
* Use your stamp to endorse all translations making sure to sign and date the stamp.
This stamp must not be:
* Tampered with or altered in anyway. If there is an error on the stamp or it is faulty in any way please immediately notify NAATI.
* Used by anyone other than the accredited translator it was issued to.
* Used to endorse translations in languages or directions for which you do not hold accreditation.
Keepdancing: 你脑瓜真好使,不是一般的好使。我确实看过本地法律条文,伪造证件最高判三年。请自行查证。不久前听一位客户讲,有人给人伪造雅思成绩,被判两年,详情不明。作者: keepdancing 时间: 17-9-2011 14:48 标题: 关于翻译件的有效期 对话实录:
Keepdancing: 怎么过期了?
客户:翻译件上你不是有个NAATI章?上面不写明了 Expires - **/**/2009?
Keepdancing: 那个失效日期不是指翻译件失效,而是指我做NAATI翻译的资质失效。过了那一天,如果我没有新的NAATI印章,我就不能再做NAATI翻译件了。通常NAATI认证资质是每年一续的。
17A 2 King Street Deakin ACT 2600
Ph: +61 2 6260 3035
Fax: +61 2 6260 3036
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday
各省办事处的电话,我就不写了。作者: keepdancing 时间: 18-11-2011 13:03
Same day translation service not available for Thursdays and Sundays.
本坛网友客户注意,请尊重他人劳动,不要将我提供的翻译件作为模版与他人分享。作者: keepdancing 时间: 21-11-2011 09:59
"Your application to the ProZ.com Certified PRO Network has been accepted!"
新通过了一项专业认证,感觉可以小小庆祝一下。前些日子,或许有朋友被ProZ网站的调查骚扰到。如果您对我的翻译服务提供了反馈,特表示感谢!这个认证也挺繁琐的,前后折腾几个月。主要从翻译能力、服务的可靠性以及从业道德等几方面考察,要求提供翻译样本、找网站用户评议、找客户评议等等。在我的客户群里,罕有那家网站的注册用户,只好提供了些个比较高难度的翻译样本,找几个同行做推荐,客户名单太长了,我本来想整理一下提供个按姓名排序A至Z的名单,实际上只提供了A-E数十位朋友的联系方式,人家说够了。作者: keepdancing 时间: 15-12-2011 23:49