No Xmas off in Japan?作者: maaboo 时间: 18-12-2007 12:32 标题: 回复 #5 chubbycat 的帖子 No......
Xmas is not the official holiday in JP 作者: nizi 时间: 18-12-2007 14:06 标题: 差2天是什么日子? 26 or 22?
i want to work too and i want to work with u and u .!!! 作者: maaboo 时间: 18-12-2007 14:08 标题: 回复 #7 nizi 的帖子 作者: laowantong 时间: 18-12-2007 14:32
Merry Xmas and happy birthday~~~~~ 作者: nizi 时间: 18-12-2007 14:52 标题: thanx!!!