我想您这种情况是否该考虑联系一个固定的私家医生,费用可能多一些,但是不用到公立医院排队省事很多。作者: shurman 时间: 9-10-2007 13:38
In general. you don't need go to hosptial for child's allergy. See a GP is usually enough. Most of GPs don't charge extra fee for kids under 16 (all covered by Medicare). You only need to pay some money to buy the medicine. There are many kids with allergy in Australia, it is not a big issue.作者: marissa 时间: 9-10-2007 17:29
哮喘在澳洲是优先的,特别是孩子,无论是诊所还是医院,我有几次看病,有人抱着哮喘的孩子进来,马上就进治疗室上呼吸器,医生过去过去看,在澳洲孩子是不需要担心的,人家很重视。作者: lookaround 时间: 9-10-2007 18:19