赶紧在网上申请吧,过了26周肯定不能领了。但有一个问题,我看到官方网站说孩子也要是PR才行,所以你应该也需要提供他的护照复印件,所以要等他的签证拿到才行吧作者: 丁香的天空 时间: 3-7-2007 13:41 标题: 感谢各位顶贴 我在网上make a claim
I declare that:
• The information in this claim for Maternity Payment is about me. It is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.
• I am currently in Australia.
• I will notify the Family Assistance Office of any changes to this information as soon as I am aware of the changes occurring.
• I have read the privacy notice attached to this claim.
I understand that:
Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
• The Family Assistance Office can make relevant enquiries to ensure I receive my correct entitlement.
• Payments cannot start until this statement is accepted and all supporting documentation is provided to the Family Assistance Office.