我买了estee laudar的那个青竹水,不知道是不是假的。。。。作者: singingbird 时间: 6-5-2007 08:57 标题: 回复 #9 家榕 的帖子 安慰一把!作者: chubbycat 时间: 6-5-2007 09:00 标题: 回复 #1 singingbird 的帖子 There's a good website for skincare: skincarerx.com作者: singingbird 时间: 6-5-2007 09:21 标题: 回复 #11 chubbycat 的帖子 THANKS, CHUBBYCAT! YOU CERTAINLY KNOW MUCH, MUCH MORE THAN JUST BEER...作者: chubbycat 时间: 6-5-2007 09:27 标题: 回复 #12 singingbird 的帖子 I buy some online too hehe
Just an FYI, most of the products are recommended by the doctors. Unfortunately you can't order them from AU.作者: singingbird 时间: 6-5-2007 09:41 标题: 回复 #13 chubbycat 的帖子 Maybe you can be an order agent!作者: chubbycat 时间: 6-5-2007 10:22 标题: 回复 #14 singingbird 的帖子 I can be an order agent for fish 作者: singingbird 时间: 6-5-2007 10:26 标题: 回复 #15 chubbycat 的帖子 Could be awful to fish!作者: 毛桩桩 时间: 6-5-2007 12:31