
标题: 悉尼大学主页上的图片,不认识的地方请指点 [打印本页]

作者: 涛声依旧    时间: 19-7-2004 02:04
标题: 悉尼大学主页上的图片,不认识的地方请指点
<IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" src="../leadbbsfile/fileType/jpg.gif" onload="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" align=absmiddle border=0>此主题相关图片<br>
<IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" style="CURSOR: hand"; src="../leadbbsfile/upload/2004/07/19/010234.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" align=absmiddle border=0><br>

作者: 涛声依旧    时间: 19-7-2004 02:05
标题: re:[QUOTE][b]下面引用由[u]涛声...
<table width=100% bgcolor=#cccccc cellpadding=5 cellspacing=1 class=TBone><tr><td bgcolor=#f7f7f7 class=TBBG9><b>下面引用由<u>涛声依旧</u>发表的内容:</b><br>
<IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" src="../leadbbsfile/fileType/jpg.gif" onload="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" align=absmiddle border=0>此主题相关图片<br>
<IMG onmouseover="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" style="CURSOR: hand"; src="../leadbbsfile/upload/2004/07/19/010521.jpg" onload="javascript:if(this.width>570)this.width=570;" align=absmiddle border=0><br>
作者: 涛声依旧    时间: 19-7-2004 02:25
标题: re:不发完好像就不甘心,现在过瘾了,去学习了...
作者: chubbycat    时间: 19-7-2004 02:28
标题: re:Looks like the schoo...
Looks like the school has some history.
作者: JACK    时间: 19-7-2004 08:32
标题: re:Level 5 was the Facu...
Level 5 was the Faculty of Economics building, when I left, it was being refurbished.<br>
but i don't know level 4, it was not there.<br>
so many has changed. <br>
how about we organise a one day trip to Sydney Uni?
作者: JACK    时间: 19-7-2004 09:53
标题: re:found the answer for...
found the answer for the level 1, it is the Faculty of Medicine.
作者: 十二门徒    时间: 20-7-2004 18:26
标题: re:真好
作者: CodeRed    时间: 23-7-2004 09:48
标题: i am studying in USYD now, hehe~
good environment<br>
Yes, chubbycat, USYD has more than 150 yrs history. it's one of the top unis in OZ. i am planning to take the exchange program to the states next yr...but dont have enough money to support myself... too bad...

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