是 Musical Society of Victoria 的缩写,这是一个在墨尔本比较有影响力的,为热爱音乐的年轻人提供舞台表演经验,已有150年历史的民间组织。具体介绍可以登陆他们的官网。在二级的时候,老师向我们介绍了这个组织。交了membership fee 后,就找了两处离家比较近的地方去,组织地点有的是教堂,有的是学校。一般都是在开学期间的周末举办,组织者有音乐老师、大学教授、文艺工作者等,都是志愿者,为了热爱音乐的孩子们,奉献着他们的热情、时间和知识。MSV对孩子的舞台表演经验提高有非常大的帮助,比方说:台风和基本礼仪(包括观众的礼仪)的培养。另外,孩子在每次上台表演前,有点小压力,可能会更认真练好表演曲目。全部表演结束后,还有一个茶点时间,家长们有机会一起交流下,这对新人家长获取各类信息很有帮助。每次MSV结束前,还有全体表演者的合影,做成newsletter,定期发给members,挺有纪念意义的。
(2)大约在孩子七、八岁的时候,又看了一部关于郎朗的记录片——“Do or Die”。片子里,小时候的郎朗去北京拜师,被说成是Potato head。孩子把这些点点滴滴都当成乐趣,并把他当成榜样(因为弹钢琴好的大多数是西人,郎朗作为中国人能在世界舞台上绽放,让孩子觉得身为中国人的骄傲)。当时我画了一个坐标图,横轴是年龄,纵轴是AMEB级别,画出一条langlang曲线,再画一条孩子的曲线(从7岁的时候一直更新到现在),让孩子的线一直高于langlang曲线(表示ta的水平超过了同龄的郎朗一点点),这条郎朗曲线带给孩子的鼓励效用持续了4年。
You just need a bit of a change to what you have been doing to get your motivation going again. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever why you have to do an exam each year every year. And similarly, there is no reason why you have to choose exam pieces (or other pieces to learn) that are only in the exam book for your grade or syllabus. Talk with your teacher—that's what they are there for. Or, find another one.
There's no real reason why you should quit just because you've hit the final 2 years of school. You can quite easily do it for the HSC as mentioned by another poster. This is for NSW, but it should be fairly similar for other states. You get your topics selected for year 12 (e.g. the 'good' ones such as instrument and it's repertoire and 20th century music), don't do these for year 11 as you can't do them again in year 12 and you can't re-use pieces. The trick is to pick pieces for your HSC that you like and so that you'll get good marks. Also pick them so that you can use the exact same ones at the end of the year to do a performance exam. You may need to learn an extra one or two to get time limits and you still need to write up a programme but it's not like you've had to learn all the HSC pieces AND exam pieces all in the one year.
The AGMS offer these types of exams and they are pretty much equivalent. I.e. Grade 1 AGMS can be used as grade 1 for AMEB. At it's most basic, the performance exams are just a normal grade exam without the technical and aural work but with a programme as an added extra (just like the duets, below). However, they are much more than that. You could do an exam on a common theme such as all romantic composers, all jazz music, all rock music, the sonata through the ages, music in motion pictures, 20th century music and so on—whatever interests you. There's no real set syllabus, but obviously you can't do something that would be considered grade 1 standard for a grade 4 or whatever exam.
Considered doing a duet exam with a friend/another student that goes to the same teacher as you? They're great fun and quite different to the usual standard exam. Trinity Guildhall used to have grades 1-8 but unfortunately they have scaled it back to three (beginner, intermediate and advanced) but they're still good none-the-less. It's a performance type exam so you get all dressed up, announce your pieces, put together a programme and pretend the examiner is the audience in an auditorium. Great fun blaming your partner for all the mistakes too. They also have piano for 6 hands certificates as well.
Some other things to try:
Take in some pieces, buy some, or ask your teacher if they have any pieces that YOU want to learn. It can be very interesting and rewarding browsing through a (good) music store. There's tonnes of stuff available these days: songs from movies, popular songs, different arrangements, blues, jazz and even music from games (e.g. Final Fantasy).
If your teacher is heavily into the AMEB syllabus and basically teaches from nothing but that (which is pretty poor form for a teacher IMHO), they should at least know about the Music for Leisure section (or Piano for Leisure I think it is). It mainly consists of popular and well known pieces. You can use some of these pieces as your extra lists; for example, the theme from Mission Impossible is in the grade 6 book and you can use that for your grade 6 extra list. (Be sure to read the requirements carefully though.)
My advice is to use the rest of this year to explore the options that are available and see if you can find something that gets you motivated again. Talk to your teacher. Also, think positively—e.g. you're up to Grade X, that means you've only got 8-X grades go.
为了印证心理暗示的作用,我对孩子最近练的一首CHOPIN VALSE in E Minor Op. Post 做了一次试验。这是一首AmusA的曲目,孩子1个月之前学习完,进入巩固阶段。我找来Valentina Lisitsa、鲁宾斯坦、Kissin等几个人的版本,和孩子一起听,让ta自己感觉,喜欢谁弹的版本。然后,我发表下自己的意见,说某某那一部分,你弹得和他/她一样好听(当然,挑的地方相对于其他部分,还是有强一些的)。指出:我喜欢你弹的某某地方,甚至比鲁宾斯坦弹的还好。接下来的一段日子里,孩子每晚翻来覆去只练习这首曲子,孩子练这首曲子是全身心投入。这种情况只在去年练习K310时发生过。
AmusA第四首曲子将是从Second listing的List A 里选一首,目前已经挑出6首,交给老师了。老师会根据孩子手大小等技术方面来帮孩子挑选。所以,AmusA的选曲上,我的工作基本结束,开始往LMusA前进了:从全部的LMusA大纲里,选一些孩子可能会喜欢的(大约30-40首),然后让她自己挑出几个来,再由老师从中挑选一个给她,作为明年准备AmusA时的陪伴。
First Listing
List A:22位作曲家,共45首;
List B:49位作曲家,共199首;
Second Listing
List A: 2位作曲家,共27首;
List B:22位作曲家,共45首;
List C:7位作曲家,共80首;
List D:39位作曲家,共93首。
(不同List 里的作曲家会有重叠)
2019-11-10 22:26
前两天,孩子因为要参加活动,准备了一首Bach的Prelude&Fugue No.6 in D minor BWV875,和以前练习不同,开始认真拿着Metronome练习了,认真放慢,再放慢,再快,再加快;如此反复,几天后,我告诉ta,爸爸有三点体会:(1)放慢速度弹,就像用放大镜去找毛病,在速度慢的时候,如果能把问题都解决,放大镜找不到毛病,快起来,才不会出问题。(2)爸爸听着听着,在有些地方都没留意metronome的声音,只听见你的声音,说明你已经可以drive metronome,以前是反过来。(3)你有没有觉得弹得更轻松了很多?因为每个键下去以0.1秒为单位,都是even的,手指跑起来匀速,就轻松,而且颗粒感就出来了。
孩子:Hi R****, right now I prefer the Saint Saens but I would still want to play the Chopin at some point in my life.
老师:OK。 Shall we star the Saint Saens next lesson? Then we can do the Chopin after that.
A. 潜移默化。我问ta,为什么想练习这首曲子,ta说因为总是听我提到Kissin是世界上把这首曲子弹得最好的人。这首曲子是大约4、5年前第一次在youtube上看到Kissin演奏,超级精彩,后来看过、听过不下20个大师演奏这首曲子,虽然各有千秋,但还是最喜欢Kissin的版本。想说:家长的想法对小孩子幼年时的影响,真很大。影响到他们的审美观、价值观。
挺高兴看到,有一次孩子对其他小朋友说的:classical music is more fun than any pop music. 孩子也会跟同学们一起追各种欧美少年偶像派组合,好像也就是前两年,还换了几组。或许孩子还不懂这些音乐老古董里有生命力的东西(其实我们这些大人又有多少人能懂呢),但已经能懂得欣赏玩味,这就挺不错了。就好像我们能上手玩味一件珍宝一样的感觉。
B. 喜欢挑战。孩子目前水平可以达到AmusA,《钟》的难度水平应该归为Fellow(当然,LMusA也是毋庸置疑能弹好的)。在学琴的七年里,有段时间(大概是在七、八级)对于孩子练琴,我的态度过于严格,除那之外,都是以鼓励、无限的鼓励为主。到现在,孩子还记得我曾经在ta刚开始练琴不久时说过,练琴其实不难,等到了AmusA时,你会觉得没啥难度。别看现在弹三级,给你一个AmusA的曲子,你肯定也能弹出来。想说的是,好的鼓励,让孩子不畏惧错误。然后,你就会看到他们更敢于挑战难度。
上周老师把一个专业的MIC借给我们录像,准备线上考级的录影资料。我们老土,折腾了好几天,录制效果还不如手机。直到前一次上课跟老师反映了,回家又鼓弄半天才搞明白,原来根本没active MIC 。总算录制完了第一首曲目,现在专心打磨第二首,争取假期里录制完。八月底录制完全部。
前几天,孩子突然跟妈妈说,想学唱歌。应该是这段时间一直在听同学推荐的音乐剧——The Phantom of the Opera的结果。怪不得有天早上,我还没起床,就听到ta弹一首曲子,觉得挺好听,后来知道是 《Think of Me》。电影音乐剧这首歌的片段,链接如下:
涉及到【同型号多挑选】这个话题,刚好有一段视频,讲的是一个人去斯坦威(美国)工厂买一台Model B (211cm),在六台琴里,去挑选一台适合自己的琴。链接如下,看看你能根据声音,挑出那台琴么?我是在看到她第一遍试弹完全部六台琴后,选出了一台,在这个人最后选出两个备选中,有我(替她)选中的那台。(我也就饱饱耳福罢了)你也来试试自己的耳力吧。
(4)Quit from something doesn't mean you lose something.
Etude Etude in C major, Op. 10 No. 1
Etude in A minor, Op. 10 No. 2
Etude in E major, Op. 10 No. 3
Etude in C sharp minor, Op. 10 No. 4
Etude in G flat major, Op. 10 No. 5
Etude in E flat minor, Op. 10 No. 6
Etude in C major, Op. 10 No. 7
Etude in F major, Op. 10 No. 8
Etude in A flat major, Op. 10 No. 10
Etude in C minor, Op. 10 No. 12
Etude in A minor, Op. 25 No. 4
Etude in E minor, Op. 25 No. 5
Etude in G sharp minor, Op. 25 No. 6
Etude in C sharp minor, Op. 25 No. 7
Etude in B minor, Op. 25 No. 10
Etude in A minor, Op. 25 No. 11
Nocturne Nocturne in B major, Op. 9 No. 3
Nocturne in C sharp minor, Op. 27 No. 1
Nocturne in D flat major, Op. 27 No. 2
Nocturne in G major, Op. 37 No. 2
Nocturne in C minor, Op. 48 No. 1
Nocturne in F sharp minor, Op. 48 No. 2
Nocturne in E flat major, Op. 55 No. 2
Nocturne in B major, Op. 62 No. 1
Nocturne in E major, Op. 62 No. 2
Mazurka Mazurka in B flat major, Op. 17 No. 1
Mazurka in E minor, Op. 17 No. 2
Mazurka in A minor, Op. 17 No. 3
Mazurka in A minor, Op. 17 No. 4
Mazurka in G minor, Op. 24 No. 1
Mazurka in C major, Op. 24 No. 2
Mazurka in A flat major, Op. 24 No. 3
Mazurka in B flat minor, Op. 24 No. 4
Mazurka in C minor, Op. 30 No. 1
Mazurka in B minor, Op. 30 No. 2
Mazurka in D flat major, Op. 30 No. 3
Mazurka in C sharp minor, Op. 30 No. 4
Mazurka in G sharp minor, Op. 33 No. 1
Mazurka in C major, Op. 33 No. 2
Mazurka in D major, Op. 33 No. 3
Mazurka in B minor, Op. 33 No. 4
Mazurka in E minor, Op. 41 No. 1
Mazurka in A flat major, Op. 41 No. 3
Mazurka in C sharp minor, Op. 41 No. 4
Mazurka in G major, Op. 50 No. 1
Mazurka in A flat major, Op. 50 No. 2
Mazurka in C sharp minor, Op. 50 No. 3
Mazurka in B major, Op. 56 No. 1
Mazurka in C major, Op. 56 No. 2
Mazurka in C minor, Op. 56 No. 3
Mazurka in A minor, Op. 59 No. 1
Mazurka in A flat major, Op. 59 No. 2
Mazurka in F sharp minor, Op. 59 No. 3
Ballade Ballade in G minor, Op. 23
Ballade in F major, Op. 38
Ballade in A flat major, Op. 47
Ballade in F minor, Op. 52
Barcarolle Barcarolle in F sharp major, Op. 60
Fantasy Fantasy in F minor, Op. 49
2021-7-18 22:59
2021-7-19 20:45
跟我来一起听听这首Irish Tune from County Derry 吧,它最初是由一位默默无闻,平凡的爱尔兰女孩Jane Ross (1810年生于北爱尔兰)年轻时在家乡County Londonderry (德里郡)采集的,连同她收集的其它爱尔兰民谣一起交给出版商,待真正出版时,她已人到中年。跟大多数作曲出版结果一样,这首歌出版后一直没出名,直到1912年被填词成为一首歌曲(Danny Boy)后,才被移居在世界各角落的爱尔兰侨民作为思乡曲传唱起来。而那时Jane Ross已然离世30载。一百多年来这首乐曲被很多作曲家改编,并为众多世界著名音乐团体作为广为经典曲目演奏,更不用说歌曲Danny Boy流传至今兴盛不衰。可还有多少人记得当年那个在爱尔兰乡间采集民歌的小姑娘?Jane离开这个世界的时候也没有带走本该属于她的荣誉。*
当我在网上挨个听不同版本时,觉得这个版本最让人动容。翻来覆去听了几十遍后,把链接放到这里前,顺手查了下这名现居英国的演奏家Penelope Mary Thwaites居然是澳洲英国双国籍(父母都是澳洲人);更巧的是,她出生在墨尔本 (在Ringwood上学),后于墨大毕业。她擅长表现澳洲作曲家们的作品,尤其是Percy Grainger。难怪这首曲子演奏得如此动人,这可能就是同源同感罢!
(2)google下:a press conference from the pathological institute in Reutlingen, Germany. The pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter presented the results of the autopsies of eight people who died after COVID19 vaccination.
Mozart Violin Sonata No. 21 in E minor K 304
Shumann Violin Sonata No. 1 in A Major
Leclair Violin Sonata in D Major Op. 9 No.3
Weiawski Polonaise No. 1 in D Major
Beethoven Violin Sonata No.5 in F Major Op.24
Brams Violin Sonata No.2 in A Major Op. 100
Schubert Violin Sonata in A Major Op. 574