
标题: [评论文章] 前外长Bob CARR超长篇社论,《鹰派言行将给澳洲带来苦酒》 [打印本页]

作者: y12345678    时间: 29-5-2017 13:53
标题: [评论文章] 前外长Bob CARR超长篇社论,《鹰派言行将给澳洲带来苦酒》

悉尼先驱导报发表前外长Bob CARR长篇社论

MAY 24 2017 - 12:41AM

“美国有能力和中国打一场地面战争。”澳大利亚的外长马尔科姆·弗雷泽(Malcolm Fraser)在和我谈及这个问题时一脸肃穆,身影显得坚毅高大,头顶似乎挂着旧约先知般神圣的光环。


(绘图: John Shakespeare)




去年11月,澳大利亚战略研究所所长彼得·詹宁斯(Peter Jennings)曾发表意见说,特朗普很可能澳大利亚电话通气,要求澳洲参与(美方)在中国南海的巡航,以挑战中国。届时澳大利亚将(被迫表态,)不得不同意。

Andrew Shearer是另一位不愿用美国人视角看待中国问题的澳洲人。在华盛顿智库任职期间,他曾短暂的担任Tony ABBOTT的国家安全事务顾问,但其职务很快就被特恩布尔(Malcolm Turnbull)所顶替。一月十六日,他又一次争论到:“对参与(南中国海)巡航问题,澳洲态度犹豫不决。而美国,是对这一犹豫记挂在心的。”






我们一直是美国大哥忠实的小伙伴。在三月十三日的新闻发布会上,当我们听到美国东亚大区助理国务卿Susan Thornton宣布放弃奥巴马政府的重返亚洲战略的时候,我们震惊了。大家所自豪的重返战略,所谓盟友的坚定不移,这千言万语,(美国佬)轻轻地一声放弃,一切的一切就全都分崩离析了。




去年11月,马来西亚总理Najib Razak访华期间,双方签署了海军合作协议。今年1月3日,中国潜艇停靠马来西亚亚庇港(Kota Kinabalu Port),实现历史性的突破。


用澳大利亚的海军,挑战中国对南海申张的主权。尽管Kim Beazley曾经大力赞同过这个想法,工党也在2016年搞过这个文字游戏。可真这样做,只会搞砸澳中的关系。


(美国)商务部长商务部长Wilbur Ross也表示,中美关系迎来历史新高。他盛赞双方达成的10项贸易协议是一项“宏伟的成就”。






社论原文: ... 0170523-gwaw1w.html
If Australia listened to our hawks on China, we'd have been hung out to dry

It was like a meeting with an Old Testament prophet. Towering and rock-hewn, Malcolm Fraser was grave, telling me – Australia's new foreign minister – that America was capable of being drawn into a land war with China.

"Going to war with China and losing it. And then withdrawing from Asia."

(Illustration: John Shakespeare)

In this nightmare, Australia would have been recruited to join America and then left high and dry, all alone in a region that China dominated.

A dystopian vision and a long way from current realities. But on a more modest scale, Australia would be stranded right now if, after the election of Donald Trump, we'd taken the advice of our own hawks about China policy.

Consider the South China Sea.

In November Peter Jennings, the director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said Australia should expect an early phone call from Trump asking us to run patrols in the South China Sea to challenge China. He argued we would have to agree.

Andrew Shearer is another Australian inclined to view China through a Washington lens. With periods at Washington think-tanks he was Tony Abbott's national security advisor, but was quickly replaced by Malcolm Turnbull. He re-entered the debate on January 16 saying Australia's hesitation to run patrols that challenged China "has been noticed in Washington".

Noticed in Washington? An early phone call from Trump urging us to start patrolling? Nothing of the sort. On the contrary, the US decided it needed China's support over North Korea.

It weighed the importance of its own relationship with China and it put on hold its own freedom of navigation patrols.

So since Trump's inauguration on January 20, the US has ceased to run the very patrols that US admirals on three occasions since 2016 suggested Australia should run – and that Australian hawks excitedly backed.

If Australia had jumped with alacrity at their advice we would have been the only American friend to have done so.

Australia has an annual dialogue on defence and strategy with China. The last one was in October 2016. According to Australian participants, the Chinese were explicit there would be economic retaliation if Australia ran patrols. Whether this has been the reason or not, the Turnbull government, like the Abbott government, declined to fly the flag.

If we had taken the other course, the US would have pulled the rug from us.

After performing like a loyal little deputy, we would have been shocked to hear Susan Thornton, the assistant secretary of state for East Asian Affairs, saying at a March 13 press conference that the Obama administration's pivot to Asia was over. The much-vaunted pivot, on which so many words of alliance piety were spilt: over.

Now Southeast Asian nations are in one-on-one negotiations with the Chinese over their territorial disputes.

On May 18 China and ASEAN agreed on a framework for a code of conduct in the South China Sea, which will "promote maritime cooperation".

Just a day later, the Philippines conducted direct bilateral negotiations with China for the first time, in a step towards resolving their differences.

Last November Malaysia signed an agreement on naval co-operation with China during Prime Minister Najib Razak's visit to Beijing. On January 3, a Chinese Navy submarine made a historic call to Malaysia's South China Sea-facing Kota Kinabalu Port.

A joint communique between China and Vietnam signed on May 15 declared both sides will "manage and properly control maritime disputes ... and maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea".

We could have trashed our relationship with China by having our navy challenge Chinese claims. Yet even Labor had toyed with the concept in 2016 (although later dropped it) and Kim Beazley had endorsed it.

Now the US President has relegated the issue. Vice President Pence may even have communicated during his Asia tour that Northeast Asia and not Southeast Asia was the US priority – certainly Chinese sources believe that was his message. Meanwhile, President Trump says he has a special relationship with Xi Jinping and has boasted in the Wall Street Journal of their "very good relationship" and "great chemistry".

His commerce secretary Wilbur Ross also boasts about the new sheen on US-China relations. He calls the recent 10-point agreement on trade a "herculean accomplishment".

Canberra's cool-headedness in response to American admirals and its own hawks has been vindicated.

Some Americans may entertain the notion of containing China's return to great power status. Australian cold warriors will persist in urging us to join the containment project. But their problem is that America – not just the current president – can be impetuous, swinging between bursts of foreign policy activism and periods of retrenchment.

If allies such as Australia sign up for a burst of crusading zeal, they are liable to be hung out to dry when America changes direction. No other American ally is as dependent on China for its economic future. If the Turnbull government had been persuaded by the hawks, right now that would be our position: out to dry.

作者: 5years    时间: 29-5-2017 21:15
作者: sssddw    时间: 30-5-2017 17:27

作者: Serin    时间: 31-5-2017 13:19
这篇文章我之前也看了,说得还是中肯在理的。但是澳洲的问题是,政治和外交上属于英联邦、自由世界和美帝盟友,军事行动也必须跟进;然而经济上对中国有很大的依赖,而且地理上如果开战,别说中国和日本,连印尼和马来都可以凭借人力优势来 rush 澳新。摆在每届政府面前的问题是在顾面子(外交上和英美共进退)和顾里子(本国发展和安全防卫)之间找到平衡。亲美鹰派的做法必然会把澳洲带入危险,但是处于经济考虑一味跪舔中国的话,对一个民主政体也是心有不甘,面子上过不去。

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