- Promo Levy 5% of Base Rental + GST 我在网上搜了下,这是要把我营业额的5%也交给他的意思吗?
- Incentives - 3 months’ Rent free & a Lessor Contribution to Fitout as negotiated 3个月免租金是吧,后面是啥意思啊?
Promo Levy 5% of Base Rental + GST
- Outgoings of approx. $100per sqm + GST per annum 这是每平米每年100?
- Incentives - 3 months’ Rent free & a Lessor Contribution to Fitout as negotiated!
Promo Levy 5% of Base Rental + GST
- Incentives - 3 months’ Rent free & a Lessor Contribution to Fitout as negotiated!
都是要按百分比上交营业额吗?作者: guangyang 时间: 5-1-2016 17:23
Promo levy 5% of base rental: 这是说你应上交基本租金的5% 作为宣传广告费。(promo 是promotion 的意思)。
A lessor contribution to fitout as negotiated: 这是说地主(出租方)将与你商量为你装修店铺出一部分资金(具体他们出多少数额按你们谈判而定)。
$290 +gst per annum Sign Rental: 大概是说每年签约手续费290加税(29元)即这是个签合约的费用(大概他们要找律师看一下合同)。
Outgoings of $100 per sqm per annum: 每年杂费(水电保安清洁等)大约每一平米(店铺面积)收100元。