
标题: EA-请问在Chinadegrees上认证的学历和学校开的成绩单(含公章)需要拿到公证处做公证吗? [打印本页]

作者: yancyshao    时间: 22-10-2014 00:26
标题: EA-请问在Chinadegrees上认证的学历和学校开的成绩单(含公章)需要拿到公证处做公证吗?

EA的migration skills assessment booklet要求有公证人联系方式,这些在学历认证网和成绩单上都没有,是否还有拿去公证处再做呢? 拜谢!

2. Proper certification should appear on each page to be
certified, and should show:
(a) the signature of the person certifying the document
and the date of signing
(b) the name of the person certifying the document.
This should be clearly printed or evident in the
official stamp
(c) the contact details of the person certifying the
document. This MUST be provided and may
be a business address, telephone number or
e-mail address, and
(d) where possible, an official stamp indicating the
status of the person certifying the document, ie.
Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Oaths,
Notary Public
(e) a statement "I certify this to be an identical copy of
the original document, which I have sighted", or
similar wording
(f) Where the name, status and contact details are
in a foreign language, an English language
translation of these three details needs to be

作者: guopxbb    时间: 22-10-2014 11:29
作者: sylar_yu    时间: 22-10-2014 11:35
guopxbb 发表于 22-10-2014 11:29

....晕, lz说的 chinadegree 就是清华认证。。。

作者: garyyip    时间: 22-10-2014 11:44
作者: yancyshao    时间: 22-10-2014 15:48

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