I'll walk unscathed through musket fire
No ploughman's blade will cut thee down
No cutlass wound will mar thy face
And you will be my ain true love
And you will be my ain true love
And as you walk through death's dark vale
The cannon's thunder can't prevail
And those who hunt thee down will fail
And you will be my ain true love
And you will be my ain true love
Asleep inside the cannon's mouth
The captain cries here comes the rout
They'll seek to blind me North and South
I've gone to find my ain true love
The field is cut and bleeds to red
The cannonballs fly round my head
The infirmary man may count me dead
But I've gone to find my ain true love
I've gone to find my ain true love
Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/sting/ ... I6W5OUFYOZ4wOegm.99[youtube]v-4SsdSoJF4[/youtube][youtube]V3C26J_YoIA[/youtube]作者: JunJun2013 时间: 7-7-2014 18:05 本帖最后由 JunJun2013 于 22-11-2014 12:31 编辑
芮妮·齐薇格 因此电影获得无数最佳女配角奖,真是令人感叹。
Inman: [to Ada] If you could see my inside, or whatever you want to name it; my spirit, that's what I fear. I think I'm ruined. They kept trying to put me in the ground but I wasn't ready. But if I had... if I had goodness, I lost it. If I had anything tender in me, I shot it dead! How could I write to you after what I'd done? What I'd seen?