
标题: ACS评估结果0 yr [打印本页]

作者: Ioz_20131231    时间: 13-6-2014 16:48
标题: ACS评估结果0 yr
悲催。昨天出了ACS结果,工作经验1年都没认可,理由是没有足够的文档做评估。 但是明明提交了推荐信。回想了一下,是不是因为推荐信没有certificate。推荐信当时同事签了名,然后我没找人certificate,就直接提交了,ACS也接受了文件,没告诉我不符合要求。 结果现在落了这个结果。请教各位高人,还能补救吗, appeal的话,不让提交新文件,是不是没机会改变结果?如果review的话,又得差不多3000大洋。
作者: ozlion    时间: 13-6-2014 17:08
提供的信息太少, 无法回答你的提问, 估计这也是你ACS工作经验评估为0的原因
作者: ozlion    时间: 13-6-2014 17:08

作者: Ioz_20131231    时间: 13-6-2014 17:24
工作经验的话提交了同事签名的推荐信,没有ceritificate,就是这样啊,然后就所有的工作经验1年没认可,Not suitable for 261313
Your work experience has been calculated as follows on the basis of full time employment of at least 20hrs per week:
Dates: 04/04 - 05/14 (0yrs 0mths)
Position: Software Engineer - Not Assessable due to Insufficient Documentation
作者: immigrants    时间: 13-6-2014 17:25
你是否介意貼出你的推薦信的內容? 又或者你給我短訊, 我替你看一看跟給意見
作者: savageliang    时间: 13-6-2014 18:02


作者: immigrants    时间: 13-6-2014 18:04
savageliang 发表于 13-6-2014 17:02
我的ACS评估前段时间刚出来,也有一段雇佣经历(公司已关门),只有以前同事签字,即使做了certification( ...

想請教一下, 你這段經歷跟其他的, 有甚麼不同之處?
作者: savageliang    时间: 13-6-2014 18:09

作者: Jerrychenhao    时间: 13-6-2014 19:23
作者: linallen    时间: 13-6-2014 19:30
Jerrychenhao 发表于 13-6-2014 18:23
我做的vet,说说vet的一些要求吧。可能比较相似。光这个信是不够的,还是需要提供缴税证明,工资条,合同等 ...

不用这些。除了学历证明文件,只需要公司开出的reference letter就行了。同事的话,需要的是Statutory Declaration。ACS的guide上写的很清楚。
作者: Ioz_20131231    时间: 13-6-2014 20:43
感谢linallen的回复。 Statutory Declaration 是找律师或者警察签名做ceritificate就可以了吗(证明同事的referene是真实的)?
作者: 明月星光    时间: 13-6-2014 20:53
本帖最后由 明月星光 于 13-6-2014 19:54 编辑


If you are unable to obtain an employment reference on a company letterhead from your employer, a
third party official Statutory Declaration or Affidavit written by a work colleague may be considered.

A Statutory Declaration or Affidavit is a legal written statement declared to be true in the presence of an
authorised witness.

The Statutory Declaration or Affidavit must be written by a third party work colleague and NOT written
by you, the applicant. Self-written statements submitted as a Statutory Declaration or Affidavit will be
assessed as not suitable.

A Statutory Declaration or Affidavit written by a work colleague needs to describe the working
relationship with you and supply details of your duties performed with relevant dates of employmen
t. It
is preferable that the work colleague writing the Statutory Declaration or Affidavit be at a supervisory

One of the following additional documentation will be required for all Statutory Declarations or
 Payslip – preferably first & last payslip
 Human Resource statement or Service Certificate
 Termination Letter with corresponding dates

Acceptance of Statutory Declarations or Affidavits in place of employment references will be subject to
the verification and discretion of the ACS and noted to the Department of Immigration and Border
Protection for authentication against fraud and plagiarism.

Important Note: Self-written statements submitted as a Statutory Declaration or Affidavit will be assessed as not
suitable. Self-references in the form of a Statutory Declaration or Affidavit cannot be accepted as evidence of
employment. Statutory Declarations or Affidavits must be written by a third party work colleague and signed by an
authorised witness to be considered suitable.

All Statutory Declarations or Affidavits must be clearly signed by an authorised witness to be considered
for assessment: List of Authorised Witnesses within Australia.

If outside Australia, please refer to the legal standard in the country you are applying from regarding
Statutory or Affidavit information.

The following Statutory Declarations or Affidavits are NOT suitable:
 Reference is a statutory declaration from a junior colleague
 Reference is a statutory declaration stating that the referee agrees with what the applicant has
written in another document
 Plain paper reference, with a stamp and signature of Notary Public but doesn’t state that the
referee’s signature is witnessed
 Reference is a statutory declaration with signature of Notary Public stating “Attested Copy”
 Reference is in an Australian format statutory declaration but is from overseas (countersigned
by an “authorised person”, e.g. a Chemist)
作者: Ioz_20131231    时间: 13-6-2014 21:02
这么说只能让公司出具了. 唉,怎么有的人又说同事的推荐信就可以了,搞不懂了!
作者: candywang    时间: 14-6-2014 09:44
Ioz_20131231 发表于 13-6-2014 20:02
这么说只能让公司出具了. 唉,怎么有的人又说同事的推荐信就可以了,搞不懂了!

作者: linallen    时间: 14-6-2014 11:22
Ioz_20131231 发表于 13-6-2014 19:43
感谢linallen的回复。 Statutory Declaration 是找律师或者警察签名做ceritificate就可以了吗(证明同事的r ...

Statutory Declaration其实和reference letter的格式差不多,需要你的同事签名,网上有模板的。比如

I, 同事姓名, was 你的姓名’s 关系(supervisor/colleague, etc) when he worked at 公司名. My position was 同事职位. I make the following declaration:
下面就是reference letter的内容,介绍你的主要工作职责和内容等。


另外最好还要有你在公司的工作证明,比如公司开的离职证明和工资单,合同,工卡什么的。有些公司只给开工作证明,不给开reference letter,这种情况用Statutory Declaration的比较多。
作者: linallen    时间: 14-6-2014 11:24
candywang 发表于 14-6-2014 08:44

作者: homsai    时间: 14-6-2014 13:05
作者: xiaoyaowd_21    时间: 15-6-2014 19:36
作者: angelatokyo    时间: 16-6-2014 15:04
作者: Ioz_20131231    时间: 16-6-2014 15:45
多谢楼上各位的解答.我自己回想了下,估计就是因为reference letter没有certificate,我只是找同事签字,没有让律师或者警察签名证明复印件与原件一致。当时本来是想敢时间,就提交了reference letter,见到ACS接收了,就以为认可了资料的有效性,谁知道直接就出了结果,根本不给机会补交。
作者: woodfans    时间: 18-6-2014 13:15
作者: howdybaby    时间: 18-6-2014 14:22
Ioz_20131231 发表于 16-6-2014 12:45
多谢楼上各位的解答.我自己回想了下,估计就是因为reference letter没有certificate,我只是找同事签字,没有 ...

作者: Ioz_20131231    时间: 19-6-2014 21:13
我还有个疑问,我这个reference letter是同事(经理,但是不是现任经理)签名的,没有盖公司公章(会不会不能认定为employer开的?),
作者: jasonfan_au    时间: 19-6-2014 21:29
reference letter要求盖公章,负责人签字和公证。如果做到了这3点,ACS认证包通过。缺一个就会有问题,还是找一找原来的公司领导通融盖章签字委托(花钱公关,以后移民局还有可能背景调查),别耽误了时间。
作者: Ioz_20131231    时间: 20-6-2014 20:00

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