1. 提供:“A certified copy of your skills assessment for the occupation you have nominated provided by
the relevant Australian Assessment Authority.” ACS 技术评估结果还要公证吗?我评估的是software engineer, ACS 就发了个pdf 文档,这个如何做certified copy?
2. 提供:Evidence of recent previous employment in the occupation for which you have provided an assessment这个需要提交什么? 推荐信和合同, 如果包括合同,要翻译且公证吗?
3. 提供:Evidence that you have undertaken detailed research into living and working in the NT that demonstrates you have a realistic knowledge of the environment you are planning on migrating to including climate, relocation costs, living expenses (for example, food, utilities, rent), and accommodation costs to settle in the NT. (This evidence should include a narrative explaining your reasons for wanting to migrate to the NT. Extracts from websites that are copied and pasted into your submission will not be accepted).
我没去过北领地, 只是在网上了解了基本的情况,这个不知如何才能写好这个材料, 大家有没有模板参考一下? 作者: shirin_cn 时间: 29-5-2014 07:22
楼主的问题已经解决了吗?楼主已经成功获邀了吗?我们也正在申请北领地,期待您的下文。作者: 五味大侠 时间: 29-5-2014 12:35
传说北领地很难offshore申请啊?期待楼上两位的结果作者: jennyang 时间: 30-5-2014 19:54
被拒了作者: shirin_cn 时间: 31-5-2014 00:39
有回复拒的理由吗?作者: jennyang 时间: 6-6-2014 15:40
Dear xxxxx,
There are a number of factors we take into consideration in order to arrive at a decision of whether or not the Northern Territory (NT) Government should sponsor an applicant for a Skilled Nominated visa or a Skilled Regional Nominated Visa. This includes (but is not limited to) the applicants skills and experience related to the nominated occupation and likelihood of gaining employment, English language ability, connections to the Northern Territory, and financial resources.
While assessing your application and the supporting documents, the case officer came across that;
· You do not have a verifiable employment offer in the Northern Territory in a skilled occupation related to your occupation. (Point 4.8)
· You have failed to demonstrate evidence that you are actively seeking employment within the Northern Territory in a skilled occupation related to your occupation. (Point 4.3)
· Insufficient evidence of family/friend relationships within the Northern Territory. (Point 4.4)
Furthermore, the General Skilled Migration Program is designed to provide Australian employers with a skilled, job ready work force. The many changes that were made to the national and state specific scheme requirements recently for a number of occupations are focused on improving the employment outcome for people who come to Australia as skilled independent and sponsored migrants.
Due to an influx of applications with certain occupations, this Department undertakes extensive employment market research and consults with Northern Territory employers in the relevant industry in the assessment process. Consultations with the relevant industry in the Northern Territory indicated that employers are seeking professionals who have specific skills set and experience that would make him/her employable in the Northern Territory.
Your specific skills and experience related to your nominated occupation are not in line with the NT employers’ needs.
Based on the above factors, your application for sponsorship under the Skilled Nominated visa program has been unsuccessful as he has been unable to meet one or more of the above-mentioned criterion.
Your file is now closed.
Please note the Case Officer’s decision is final and no further correspondence will be carried out related to this application.作者: jasonfan_au 时间: 6-6-2014 17:15
TAS, NT之类的地方就业机会少,没有当地合同拿不到州府提名的。作者: shirin_cn 时间: 6-6-2014 23:47