Dear Client
Thank you for your email.
Your son is now added to your file & our system. Please find HAP ID ( 5xxxxxx ) for your son’s eMedical check.
Once we have your health & character outcomes we will continue processing and inform you immediately for the next stage
On behalf of
Jason Huang
Case Officer - Team 6
General Skilled Migration (GSM) Adelaide
Department of Immigration and Border Protection
Email: adelaide.gsm.team6@immi.gov.au
我这个 Lisa 据说更变态,6月份拒过一个华人。所以我格外心惊胆战!作者: kingburg 时间: 2-1-2014 18:31
我搜到这样的结果: http://www.immi.gov.au/fees-char ... rges-exemptions.htm
===== Additional Applicant Charge
The additional applicant charge becomes nil when the base application charge for your application is nil. Adding of newborn babies to existing applications
If you have applied for a visa and you have a newborn child before the application is decided, your child can be added to your application by operation of regulation 2.08 or 2.08AA. In these circumstances, the additional applicant charge for the newborn child is nil. The non-Internet application charge and subsequent temporary application charge also do not apply to the newborn child.
当然我的CO蛮BT的,所以我还是把1436表先准备起来了。作者: janelle1709 时间: 2-1-2014 19:15
Jason Huang人很好的,我们家是他准的。作者: hsuehhan 时间: 4-1-2014 15:35
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我也是TEAM6的,CO叫SUNNI作者: Jerrychenhao 时间: 7-1-2014 22:03
申请过程中出生的孩子加入到父母的申请中,是不是需要另外交一个附申的申请费啊?作者: kingburg 时间: 8-1-2014 13:15
应该是不需要。因为: Additional Applicant Charge
The additional applicant charge becomes nil when the base application charge for your application is nil. Adding of newborn babies to existing applications
If you have applied for a visa and you have a newborn child before the application is decided, your child can be added to your application by operation of regulation 2.08 or 2.08AA. In these circumstances, the additional applicant charge for the newborn child is nil. The non-Internet application charge and subsequent temporary application charge also do not apply to the newborn child.
英语原话明确说明:申请的时候没孩子,分配application前出生的,通通不用新缴费。作者: Jerrychenhao 时间: 8-1-2014 19:22