
标题: 只有一考生的高考考场 [打印本页]

作者: hu017    时间: 28-11-2013 10:20
标题: 只有一考生的高考考场
本帖最后由 hu017 于 4-1-2014 15:15 编辑



作者: hu017    时间: 28-11-2013 10:21
由于只有一考官和我, 她允许我在场内拍照留念.
作者: hu017    时间: 28-11-2013 10:23
作者: hu017    时间: 28-11-2013 10:27
本帖最后由 hu017 于 28-11-2013 10:42 编辑

作者: 悉尼宝宝龙    时间: 28-11-2013 14:05
作者: hu017    时间: 28-11-2013 14:11
悉尼宝宝龙 发表于 28-11-2013 14:05

作者: hu017    时间: 29-11-2013 09:11
作者: MICHELLE07    时间: 29-11-2013 13:20
hu017 发表于 29-11-2013 09:11

作者: MICHELLE07    时间: 29-11-2013 13:23
hu017 发表于 28-11-2013 14:11

作者: hu017    时间: 29-11-2013 13:43
MICHELLE07 发表于 29-11-2013 13:20

作者: hu017    时间: 29-11-2013 13:47
本帖最后由 hu017 于 30-11-2013 22:27 编辑
MICHELLE07 发表于 29-11-2013 13:23

作者: hu017    时间: 28-12-2013 17:32
本帖最后由 hu017 于 4-1-2014 09:42 编辑

我太太做我的监考人,但不是上面图中那一位. 因为场景在家中
作者: hu017    时间: 28-12-2013 17:32
本帖最后由 hu017 于 28-12-2013 17:36 编辑

由于维省可选择课程多,每一学校不可能包括所有课程。例如,我想学经济学,就读学校没有这一课程,那就要去其它学校去学习. 我报读了一政府的函授学校,在家学习这门课程。根据平常测试是在考生学习地方或原就读学校的原则,我选择平常测验在家中举行, 因报读时一时难以决定在就读学校的监考老师,函授学校提议让我太太做监考人.
( 测验成绩会算进高考总成绩.)
作者: hu017    时间: 28-12-2013 17:33
在家考试, 具体做法是, 报读时, 要决定你的测验监护人, 测验监护人要求是18岁以上的成人, 一般是父母, 如你是成人, 你的另一半可作测验监护人. 测验监护人的任务是, 接受学校寄来的试卷, 和考生共同决定考试时间(函授学校指定的考试时间内, 一般是一周之内, 在学习计划中叫考试周). 在考试时, 为考生打开试卷, 在规定时间内收卷, 然后寄回学校.
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 10:10
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 10:11
我在另一帖提到维省高中可选择的课程很多. 这里再帖一次.

以下是目前维省提供的高考课程,(vce VET)是指技校课程.
Accounting 会计
Agricultural and Horticultural Studies 农业和园义
Agriculture (VCE VET)农业
Applied Fashion Design and Technology (VCE VET)
Art 艺术
Australian Politics 澳洲政治
Global Politics 国际政治
Automotive (VCE VET)汽车
Building and Construction (VCE VET)建筑
Business (VCE VET) 小生意
Business Management 生意管理
Cisco (VCE VET)网络
Classical Studies (formerly Classical Societies and Cultures)
Community Services (VCE VET)社区服务
Conservation and Land Management (VCE VET)
Dance (VCE VET)舞蹈
Design and Technology (see Product Design and Technology)
Desktop Publishing and Printing (VCE VET)
Electrotechnology (VCE VET) 电工学
English and English as an Additional Language (EAL) (Formerly English and ESL) 英语(在澳大利亚居住不到7年非英语背景学生)
English 英语
English Language英语语言
Environmental Science环境学
Equine Industry (VCE VET)养马
Extended Investigation学术研究进阶
Financial Services (VCE VET)理财服务
Food Processing - Wine (VCE VET) 食品加工(酒类)
Foundation English基础语文
Furnishing (VCE VET)木工
Health and Human Development健康和人文
Australian History澳大利亚历史
Twentieth century history二十世纪历史
Renaissance Italy文艺复兴
Hospitality (VCE VET)服务业
Indigenous Languages of Victoria原住民语言
Industry and Enterprise企业
Information Technology信息技术
IT Applications IT应用
Software Development 软件
Information Technology (VCE VET)信息技术
Interactive Digital Media (VCE VET) 互动(数码)媒体
Laboratory Skills (VCE VET) 实验室技能
Foundation Mathematics基础数学
Further Mathematics 数学进阶
Mathematical Methods (CAS) 数学方法
Specialist Mathematics 纯数学
Music Performance Units 3 and 4音乐表演
Music Investigation Units 3 and 4音乐研究
Music Style and Composition Units 1 to 4音乐风格和创作
Music Industry (VCE VET) 音乐行业
Outdoor and Environmental Studies室外环境研究
Physical Education体育教育
Product Design and Technology (formerly Design and Technology)
Religion and Society 宗教和社会
Small Business (VCE VET)小生意
Sport and Recreation (VCE VET) 运动和娱乐
Studio Arts演播室艺术
Technology 工业技术
Food and Technology食品工艺
Product Design and Technology (formerly Design and Technology)
Systems Engineering系统工程
Texts and Traditions宗教传统
Theatre Studies戏剧
Visual Communication Design可视通信设计

作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 10:12
本帖最后由 hu017 于 4-1-2014 15:16 编辑

问题是, 一所学校不可能提供所有课程. 只能说越大或越好的学校提供的课程越多.
所谓选择学校, 部分人是冲着分数而去, 另一部分是冲着想要学习的课程而去.
个人观点, 前者有点盲目, 后者目标较为明确.
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 10:12
这里的高中学习较自由, 可以跨校和跨级学习. 例如,11年级可学习部分12年级的课程, 12年级可学习部分大学的课程. 但不同的学校有不同的具体规定和限制.
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 10:17
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 10:32
跨校学习, 可以解决选择想要学习的课程的问题, 但在澳洲生活过的人都知道, 这并不容易实行. 例如学校之间的距离, 交通怎样解决, 时间是否冲突等.
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 10:32
但函授(Distance Education)学校可以较好地解决这一问题. 我是在报读过程中发现这一学校(政府). 有兴趣的网友可到它的网站看一看.
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 10:34
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 10:45
本帖最后由 hu017 于 4-1-2014 15:21 编辑

但函授(Distance Education)学校更重要的目的,是为不便离家学习的伤残学生,和偏远地区的学生服务.
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 15:01
当时, 我还是停留在对但函授学校感兴趣的阶段.
在上数学方法的课程中,我发现有一学生来上课的次数非常少,来就坐在一角落,跟老师交谈几句就自己做功课。我觉得奇怪,就问其他同学。原来她是纯数学的函授学生,来上课其实是做她课程的高考平时测验,我们的老师是她的监考人. 因为做监考人是义务性质,老师也忙,所以我们上课与她考试同时进行.

作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 15:01
重新学习,一是为了还一个心愿(读书时正经历文革,未有受过正经的教育),二是想体会一下所谓的西方教育. 还有,如不断学习会成为日后退休生活的一部分,那函授学习应是一个好选择.
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 15:02
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 15:02
我开始不断地询问有关函授学习的细节,老师误认为我对纯数学感兴趣(当时就读学校没有这一课程,老师也没教过,他正在读搏士,如有这经验应会有好处). 他就建议,干脆开纯数学班,那一年我和同学的关系不错(16,17岁的小青年和一个老头一起上学,他们也觉得挺好玩),只要我上,一部分人会跟,老师再到其它学校找学生,够15人就可以开班. 我想,学好数学,也不错,就答应了. 最后,这纯数学班竟然开成.
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 15:03
那一次,没有读成函授学习. 但最后一学年,我还是报读了就读学校没有的课程,经济学.
学了半年,校方负责人找我谈高考考的问题. 他说,原则上我应在就读学校考,问题是只有我一个读经济学,我当即吿诉他,我不会给学校添麻烦,我愿意到函授学校去考. 他听了也挺高兴的. 在正式考试前两周,他通知我对方不接受这样的安排.  最终,只有一考生的高考考场变成事实.

作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 15:06
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 15:41


作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 15:43
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 15:46

作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 15:50
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 17:13

作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 17:16
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 17:16
作者: hu017    时间: 4-1-2014 17:18

作者: 妮南    时间: 4-1-2014 20:21
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:24
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:25
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:26
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:26
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:26
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:26
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:27
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:28
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:28
作者: zzoz    时间: 5-1-2014 15:40
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:43
zzoz 发表于 5-1-2014 15:40
我当年高中会考的时候全市统考混编考场,我们学校一兄弟不幸在他的考场内除了他一人全是音乐学院附中的(他 ...

作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:46

作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:46
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:59

作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:59
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 15:59
作者: hu017    时间: 5-1-2014 16:00
本帖最后由 hu017 于 6-1-2014 22:32 编辑

Bridging the gap of distance has always been the focus of our school, whose story began nearly ninety years ago. The school was originally established to provide training for teachers who needed tuition to gain their teaching qualifications, but were unable, due to distance, to attend classes at the Melbourne Teachers College. By 1911, 600 student-teachers were studying by correspondence.

Students first began using the services of the school in 1914, after an urgent letter from a mother in a remote area concerned about the prospects of educating her two sons. A small group of six trainee teachers volunteered to draw up sets of lessons for the boys who received work every fortnight.

So enrolments of remote students began. The number of student-teachers required to service the students increased in 1915, and by 1922, 212 children, including 4 from the Northern Territory were being taught via the mailbag.

In 1932 the school was formally named the ‘Correspondence School’, and catered for both Primary and Secondary Students. 1953 saw the introduction of short-wave broadcasts, finally allowing students to hear their teacher’s voices (and vice versa), something most children take for granted, but a new experience for remote rural student.

The ‘Correspondence School’ entered the final decade of the century with a name change now becoming known as the ‘Distance Education Centre, Victoria’. The name was not the only change that occurred, with methods of course provision developing inline with current technology.

The DECV has evolved from its humble beginnings of student-teachers and two remote students, to a P – 12 school with over 3000 enrolments, providing education for students in categories as diverse as: Medical, Referral, Travelers and of course the original Distance Category. Students currently attending regular schools who are unable to study the subjects they require during VCE also make up a large section of enrolments, along with students in unique situations such as: students in Youth Training Centres, actors, athletes, ballet students, and even a student preparing to sail solo around the world! (whilst completing some VCE subjects) Students may be as close as suburban Melbourne with a medical condition, or as distant as Kyrgystan (formerly USSR) with parents working for an aid agency.

From the original handwritten courses the DECV has evolved, now with a rich web presence and on-line interactive courses. With both the traditional print based courses and the development of the virtual classroom, The DECV is striving to ensure that all students can receive the best possible education, regardless of their location or circumstances.

Now settled into the new Thornbury location, the DECV’s operations continue to incorporate elements of the old and the new. As at the very start of our history, we still have students who receive coursework and submit work by mail. At the same time, there is much less ‘distance’ between these students and their teachers than was originally the case. Telephone contact and seminars at the school have been critical in breaking down this distance.

Another vital way in which the situation of distance education students is being improved is through the continuing development of pastoral care programs in which students have the guidance of a pastoral care teacher and their progress is tracked as they move through the school.

The virtual classroom has been a major feature of this school for a number of years and many of our students regularly use email, forums and chat to submit work or contact their teachers. Using Janisons Solutions Toolbox as a on-line delivery and communication system, the distance between staff and students and between students and other students through is greatly reduced. Students are now able to interact with each other through asynchronous discussion groups and through online chat groups.

The DECV continues to grow, dedicated to making education accessible to all who need it – flexible learning for all.

作者: zzoz    时间: 5-1-2014 16:01
hu017 发表于 5-1-2014 15:43

作者: xxws    时间: 7-1-2014 09:21

作者: hu017    时间: 7-1-2014 12:17
xxws 发表于 7-1-2014 09:21


作者: hu017    时间: 15-1-2014 16:51
本帖最后由 hu017 于 9-4-2014 16:59 编辑

神奇的Cheat sheet

Cheat sheet不知道对应中文叫什么, 但意思就是考试中的作弊用的小纸条. 但Cheat sheet是合法的, 用于考试或平常测验. 只要老师一提考试, 学生就马上问, 是否可以有Cheat sheet. 这要看课程要求而定, cheat一般是A4尺寸, 单面或双面. Cheat sheet里面的内容沒任何规定, 可其他人代写或买的. 但实践证明, 只有自己做的才有用, 因为考试是考熟练(速度), 不是亲手做的, 考试时要费时找出来, 意义不大. 神奇的是, 如果你下功夫认真做好这Cheat sheet, 考试时,基本也不需要用, 因为问题己印在脑中. 我跟老师曾讨论这事, 他说, 人经常都是左耳进右耳出, 要通过动笔动脑才能记住. 我想, 这是允许Cheat sheet的目的.
作者: hu017    时间: 15-1-2014 16:52
物理高考中对Cheat sheet的规定.

作者: hu017    时间: 15-1-2014 16:54
在物理高考中用过的Cheat sheet


作者: 乘船看鲸    时间: 10-2-2014 22:45

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