读计算机算是学错专业了作者: ricowang 时间: 18-7-2013 13:52
would not be interested with a dentist job at all -- facing different flavors of others' every day!作者: ricowang 时间: 18-7-2013 14:02
would you think it is funny to check different eyes everyday?
won't feel stressful to be doctor saying people have different troubles everyday? 作者: 指纹 时间: 18-7-2013 14:14
地质和工程都是跟采矿有关的,过几年再看看作者: 8戒 时间: 18-7-2013 14:56
澳洲严重缺数学老师啊。63%的缺口。数学 是基础学科吧,大学里要的大把大把的。作者: 指纹 时间: 18-7-2013 16:11