别的不说,那天考官心情真是不错! 作者: ricowang 时间: 27-6-2013 21:04
I got my full license with many mistakes too,
I think the the examiner sometimes judges with their distinct and experience not just rules.作者: enjoynow 时间: 27-6-2013 21:26
作者: KYLIE2008 时间: 27-6-2013 22:13
Officer was in good mood....
my test day was just the day before xmas, so everyone was happy at the end of day作者: ascend2012 时间: 27-6-2013 22:29
恭喜恭喜啊!作者: 指纹 时间: 27-6-2013 22:46
恭喜LZ,话说这也能过啊,恨死我这个考了6遍的了作者: heaichen 时间: 27-6-2013 23:02
恭喜你,你是我去澳洲考驾照这件事情的偶像,我要从现在开始就学习西澳交规。作者: gowest 时间: 27-6-2013 23:06
其实我更快...不过恭喜楼主作者: enjoynow 时间: 27-6-2013 23:51