微博是? 我也要加作者: sucewang 时间: 4-6-2013 20:21
“Please dont worry too much as life in Australia will be fun for you now and you have many friends here. ”作者: 妮南 时间: 4-6-2013 20:28
Don't worry , You would be alright.
老外会这么说。作者: loverofheero 时间: 4-6-2013 20:42
我下个月也出发了呢,这里很多战友啊赖姐作者: revstar 时间: 4-6-2013 23:16 本帖最后由 revstar 于 4-6-2013 22:59 编辑
Adelaide - a city with few job opportunities, subtle racism and a bleak future
For a few weeks now i have been reading various threads on this forum out of personal curiosity and to gauge the employment situation over there. I left Adelaide for Sydney in 99 and although i do miss aspects of it, reading some of your threads/posts reinforces my view that leaving was the right thing to do.
I grew up in Adelaide during the 80s and had an idyllic childhood in several inner south eastern suburbs bordering Goodwood Road. Having completed high school and uni, the problem of finding a job reared its ugly head in the mid-late 90s. Dozens of CVs, phone calls later, still no work. Fellow grads also had mixed luck. A few of my highly qualified friends from overseas had to settle for cleaning, security or taxi driving jobs. The jobs market back then was not much better than today - with Adelaide always having the highest unemployment rate on the mainland. SA was always known as the "stagnant" state.
Getting fed up i moved to Sydney. I am now close to 40, married with a young family. In terms of lifestyle, Adelaide beats Sydney hands down. Sydney has many of the big city problems Adelaide doesn't. However although the employment situation is also getting more difficult in Sydney, my wife and i have always had work (she has permament full time, myself temp part time). I even have 2 separate jobs on the side for a little more money - something that would have been hard to do in Adelaide. Yes Sydney is more expensive but with hard work it is manageable.
I have only visited adelaide once since i left, that was about 4 years ago. Nothing seems to have changed. Even that guy spruiking outside a shop in Rundle Mall was still there almost 12 years later! The anti-development, conservative movement was still firmly in place. A bit earlier on, plans for a city tower were not surprisingly knocked back. The old Le Cornu site in North Adelaide still sat vacant.
My wife being from Sydney, loved the place. We considered going back and even bought a house close to Unley High. However after careful soulsearching we decided to stay put in Sydney because of work. We ended up selling.
Going back to Adelaide in my view would have also condemned our children to the same fate i had. Happy childhood only to grow up and face a non-existant jobs market, where you have to have private school connections to get on (or be extremely lucky).
And for those people with names such as Ali (interesting threads btw), hassan etc you are even one more step behind the 8 ball because of your name and ethnicity. Sad to say it but that is what i have seen happen to people with "foreign" sounding names. Someone else said that employers hire locals first, then Brits and i agree. well after the brits, all other foreigners (especially newer ones) come a distant third.
The demographics of Adelaide are also not good, with a growing elderly population, the smallest amount of young people under 15 in Oz and little investment in employment producing areas.
If you are one of the lucky ones with a secure job, best of luck to you even though you are still paying 3 times more for the a home then you would have back in the 90s.
if you are struggling or only finding casual, temp work that is no way to live life. And consider what Adelaide will be like 10-20 years from now when your children have grown up. Will there be a bright future with lots of employment opportunities there for them?作者: delphi 时间: 26-12-2013 22:43
Ali, your experience is all too familiar to me. I have had many great friends in Adelaide over the years. Here is what happened to some of them and their background, education and where they ended up eventually
Aussie, mechanical engineering, Melbourne, got a job in his field
Aussie, Greek origin, chemical engineer, got a job in sydney in his field
Aussie, Hungarian origin, electrical engineer, got a job in sydney in his field
Romanian, civil engineer, stayed in Adelaide works as a bus driver
5 Phd doctorate Africans, specialty in geology, geophysics, all left Adelaide ended up in Perth, Sydney and one in tassie, all got jobs in their fields, university jobs
egyptian, dentist, stayed in Adelaide works as a taxi driver
chinese Cambodian, librarian, stayed in Adelaide works as a truck driver
A few more moved interstate where they got jobs in the police force, accountancy etc
I can list more but wont. With the exception of the Romanian and Egyptian the rest all have Aussie qualifications.
of course this list is anecdotal but what do they all have in common? We all know.
all I can say is, don't waste any more time in Adelaide! 作者: delphi 时间: 26-12-2013 22:58
OK guys,
Time to put in my two-bits worth of self centered ideas regarding this thread. I have been here in Adelaide 10 months (yesterday) and the reason I chose SA over VC was the fact that my skills and experience were highly sought for or that is what the SA government lead me to believe. I have received more than 400 rejection letters in 10 months. Lets try and brainstorm and see what the reasons might be:
1-Maybe I'm not qualified (why the hell did AIM successfully assess my qualifications and work experience then?)
2- My name is Ali (I'm not Alison) and I'm Middle Eastern
3- I don't speak English (yeah right)
4- I am migrant (yes I am)
5- I am not an Anglo migrant (correct again)--这个就是SA企业招聘的内在逻辑
The OP has mentioned some good points here but instead of reading and understanding where he comes from some of you that know better attack his points based only on your experience or the fact that you want SA to stay the same and not to progress just like the conservative councils and government like it. You mention in your posts that part of the reason you like SA is because you like living in acres of land. Fair enough but that doesn't make the problems in the state to go away!
Many have said that they want their children to enjoy childhood here and then decide if they want to stay or not! Now this, this amazes me in a way and since I'm not married and have no children please do not get offended or take me seriously on this issue. If you are so sure to think that once your children are of an age they will move interstate or internationally in search of better job prospects and a lifestyle they can't have here in SA, why stay in SA? I'm only asking and am curious. Why are so many parents sacrificing their lives, youth and jobs just so that their children will enjoy lives just like we did? Are they really? No video games and all?
I believe many migrants give SA a go and get used to it. Get used to the suburbs, the slow pace of life and can't imagine and go through another big move interstate. If you like living in SA that is personal but please do not fight the stats and the truth of the state. I've met many people here and they all tell me the same thing. Adelaide has not changed one bit in so many years. Oh yeah, the Fringe is on longer these days!
As for me, I'm not happy with the job scene here. After 10 years of top level management I ended up working in a convenience store for 7 months. Was made redundant as they sold and closed down their businesses. Now I'm only working Fridays and Saturdays serving Yiros and cleaning tables. And yes, I'm 35. And before I forget, Middle Easterns gave me both jobs. Now my only hope is a security license that I should get my hands on soon and see if after 10-11 months I can at last get a full time job or not. Friends have told me to forget about the state sponsorship and move to another state. I come from an honor sort of society. I will stay in Adelaide until I get PR and if by then I haven't fallen in love with a girl that wants to stay here or if I haven't made myself financially sound I will bow and say goodbye and good luck to everyone that wants to stay in a state that doesn't want change!