I've been working for 10 years, and I'm a shareholder of my company, it will be realized(about AUD$xxx)
before I go to Australia.In addition to that,I'll get a bonus of AUD$xxx at the end of 2013, before I
land Australia; Lastly,I've saved approximately AUD$xxx in the bank account. After I will have settled
down in WA, I'll sell the apartment we live now which is rated at AUD$xxx. Therefore,normally,my
family will not increase the burden of your prestigious government.
I've been concerning about the cost of living in WA for almost half a year via forums which are famous in
China,such as Freeoz,Tigtag,etc. I also often chat to friends who have been emigrated to WA, they can
supply me much information.
Accommodation(including power,gas,water rate):AUD$2000 per month;
Catering costs:800 per month;
Transportation(dayrider):600 per month
Communication:100 per month
Others:500 per month.
The data above are based on two people.
There is no time difference between WA and China, so I can communicate with my family members conveniently.
Secondly,Perth is the captical city of WA,which has gentle winter(the average temperature is above 10
centigrade degree), and it is the sunniest city in Australia,with blue sky and pollution-free
environment.I also noticed that Perth ranked 2012 top ten cities which are livable all over the
world,therefore,priority should be given to Perth.
Lastly,compare to other capital cities,the price of real estate is relatively more acceptable, and I want
to get a foot on the property ladder as soon as possible, so that I can enjoy the sunshine and breeze in
Perth as long as possible without any anxiety.
I've been concerning about WA for almost half a year via forums which are famous in China,such as
Freeoz,Tigtag,etc. I also often chat to friends who have been emigrated to WA, they can supply me much
I noticed that not only the career prospect of mining but also the IT in WA (particularly in Perth) is
promising.There're bases of many famous IT companies such IBM,Microsoft,to name but a few.As the
information technology in Australia is developing at a staggering rate, there will be loads of IT
projects to be implemented.As to me, I've been working in IT industry for a decade,therefore,I suppose
I've accumulated sufficient experience and I'm confident that I will be competent in working in WA。