
标题: 关于新政策,我的ACS的CO给我回复了 [打印本页]

作者: nettree    时间: 9-5-2013 16:05
标题: 关于新政策,我的ACS的CO给我回复了
I am sorry for bothering you again. But this is really vital for me.

Today, I found that the Skills-Assessment-Guidelines-for-Applicants.pdf has been updated and added the following content in Chapter 4 Employment:

Skilled employment must be of a suitable ICT professional level and relevant or closely related to the
nominated ANZSCO code to be counted toward your suitability.

Only employment completed after the date you have met the ACS requirements will be counted as
skilled employment. Please see the Summary of Criteria for additional information. ... -for-Applicants.pdf

My major is ICT and I have the bachelor degree. I was wondering if it means that the first two years of my work experience cannot be counted as the skilled employment? For example, I've already worked as a software engineer for 5 years, and per the original ACS policy I can claim my point by using these 5-year experience in EOI, which can provide me the additional 5 point. However, seemingly, per the new policy of ACS updated recently, I only remain 3-year experience to claim, which cannot provide me the additional 5 point in EOI any more.

Could you tell me if my understanding is right?

This is important to me because if it was the new way to count the skilled employment completed(cutting down 2 years), I could not have enough points to meet the pass mark of EOI.

Thank you.
Dear XXX,

Thank you for your email.

For a Skill Assessment only experience that has been obtained after you meet the ACS Guidelines will be considered as Skilled Employment.

It is still up to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship as to how they award points based on experience and you will need to direct your question to them.





CO写的很明确,对于Skill Assessment来讲,你达到标准后的才被视作是Skilled Employment,但是至于DIAC怎么算,你还得问他们。


[ 本帖最后由 nettree 于 9-5-2013 18:58 编辑 ]
作者: hh2008    时间: 9-5-2013 16:12
For the purpose of awarding points, the department considers skilled employment in the nominated occupation.....

再配合acs这句Only employment completed after the date you have met the ACS requirements will be counted as
skilled employment.


[ 本帖最后由 hh2008 于 9-5-2013 15:17 编辑 ]
作者: sweetstar    时间: 9-5-2013 16:14
作者: snowborder    时间: 9-5-2013 16:15
作者: nettree    时间: 9-5-2013 16:17
2楼亮了,关键是skilled employment
作者: stkwn    时间: 9-5-2013 16:18
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言 ... skilled-employment/

What is skilled employment?

For employment to be considered skilled it must meet the following requirements:

the employment must have in your nominated occupation or a closely related occupation.
the employment was undertaken after you met the entry level requirements for that occupation (that is, completed a sufficient level of study or amount of on-the-job training). If the entry level prescribed for your nominated occupation is a certain qualification only work undertaken after you have completed that qualification will be counted as skilled employment
the relevant Assessing Authority which undertook your skills assessment may also provide an opinion on your skilled employment experience.  You should check with your relevant assessing authority about documents that have to be provided to allow them to provide an opinion about your skilled employment.  You must provide the department with copies of all the documents that you provide your assessing authorities, when you are invited to apply.
you must have been paid for working in this nominated occupation or a closely related occupation for at least 20 hours a week.  Working for at least 20 hours a week means 20 hours each week and not irregular periods that average out to 20 hours a week over a year.
Any periods of skilled employment must have been undertaken at the required skill level. For example, a person who works 4 years as a bookkeeper while undertaking accounting studies, then qualifies as an accountant as specified by an accounting body, then works 2 years as an accountant can only claim 2 years skilled employment in the nominated occupation of Accountant.
作者: nettree    时间: 9-5-2013 16:18
原帖由 snowborder 于 9-5-2013 15:15 发表

作者: nettree    时间: 9-5-2013 16:22
you must have been paid for working in this nominated occupation or a closely related occupation for at least 20 hours a week.

nominated occupation or a closely related occupation. 新的acs的guide里面都是closely related occupation,不知道这俩为啥要分开说。
作者: nettree    时间: 9-5-2013 16:28
作者: robertclara    时间: 9-5-2013 17:04
标题: 回复 #2 hh2008 的帖子
作者: disintegration    时间: 9-5-2013 17:13
作者: nettree    时间: 9-5-2013 17:31
作者: doritething    时间: 9-5-2013 17:37
DIAC签证官会是掌握生死大权的银儿 现在是 过去也是
只不过现在因为ACS result letter写法的变化 签证官等于是有了更多的可以据你的理由 而且是合乎规则的 如果签证官和你纠缠skilled文字游戏的话
作者: nettree    时间: 9-5-2013 17:44
原帖由 doritething 于 9-5-2013 16:37 发表
DIAC签证官会是掌握生死大权的银儿 现在是 过去也是
只不过现在因为ACS result letter写法的变化 签证官等于是有了更多的可以据你的理由 而且是合乎规则的 如果签证官和你纠缠skilled文字游戏的话

作者: robertclara    时间: 9-5-2013 19:07
问题是,在eoi填工作经验的时候,是按照ACS认定的skilled employment的时间写,还是按照自己真实的工作经验时间写呢?
作者: davidchu3    时间: 9-5-2013 19:34


原帖由 doritething 于 9-5-2013 16:37 发表
DIAC签证官会是掌握生死大权的银儿 现在是 过去也是
只不过现在因为ACS result letter写法的变化 签证官等于是有了更多的可以据你的理由 而且是合乎规则的 如果签证官和你纠缠skilled文字游戏的话

作者: snowborder    时间: 9-5-2013 22:40
作者: lmjdiana    时间: 9-5-2013 22:49
作者: snowborder    时间: 9-5-2013 23:04
原帖由 lmjdiana 于 9-5-2013 21:49 发表

作者: hh2008    时间: 10-5-2013 00:37
原帖由 sweetstar 于 9-5-2013 15:14 发表

作者: nettree    时间: 10-5-2013 12:56
原帖由 lmjdiana 于 9-5-2013 21:49 发表


[ 本帖最后由 nettree 于 10-5-2013 11:59 编辑 ]
作者: nettree    时间: 10-5-2013 12:57
原帖由 hh2008 于 9-5-2013 23:37 发表


作者: lmjdiana    时间: 10-5-2013 13:51
原帖由 nettree 于 10-5-2013 11:56 发表


作者: snowaves    时间: 1-7-2013 15:43
lmjdiana 发表于 10-5-2013 10:51
有道理。实际上硕士期间都是在老板的公司打工,应该可以算全职。但不知道那个公司还在不在,如果已经倒 ...

硕士实习不需税单和社保什么的,只需有个实习证明(有收入,全日制)即可.... 倒闭问题不大吧,有证明人给你推荐就行啊....

如果你本科阶段就能评到Bachelor in Major,提交硕士学历应该也不影响...

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