广州的不支持。作者: bohenao 时间: 14-3-2013 20:51
怎么知道的状态?作者: bohenao 时间: 14-3-2013 20:57
刚才看了看移民局好像有个通告: 3月23日之后,有新的签证出现,不再受理676等签证。
From 23 March 2013 the government intends to introduce significant changes to the Visitor and Medical Treatment visas. These changes are subject to the approval of the Governor-General in Council.
We will no longer be accepting new applications for the following visas:
Tourist visa (subclass 676)
Sponsored family visitor visa (subclass 679)
Business (short Stay) visa (Subclass 456)
Sponsored business visitor (short stay) visa (subclass 459)
Medical Treatment (short stay) visa (subclass 675)
Medical Treatment (long stay) visa (subclass 685)
Electronic Travel Authority (visitor) (subclass 976)
Electronic Travel Authority (business – short validity) (subclass 977)
Electronic Travel Authority (business – long validity) (subclass 956).
Applicants who were previously eligible for the visas listed above may be eligible for one of the following five visa subclasses below.
Temporary work (short stay activity) visa (subclass 400)
Visitor visa (subclass 600)
Electronic Travel Authority (subclass 601)
Medical Treatment visa (subclass 602)
eVisitor (subclass 651)