
标题: 中介这样是啥意思?pass掉俺了? [打印本页]

作者: xiaohuajun    时间: 6-9-2012 10:53
标题: 中介这样是啥意思?pass掉俺了?
大概两周前,接到中介电话,然后中介找俺去面试,说是面试,其实更像是不太正规的谈话,问了我的情况,经历。中介mm说很感兴趣,要帮我推荐公司,让我回家等消息。然后第二天就接到中介mm的邮件,说已经post我的简历到XXXX公司。我当时还以为终于有希望了,因为已经找工3个月了,正经历很难熬的时期,以为春天就要来到了 ,结果一等2周过去了,没有接到任何的电话……自己估摸着,也是直接被公司给pass掉了,因为不够牛吧,这到没啥,有自知之明,呵呵。前两天这个中介mm又打给我,问我,最近怎么样,有没有在市场上有任何的突破,进展。我实话实说了,没有,还没有和公司面试过,我本来想再多说两句,介个mm以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃儿响叮当之势,说了句什么,就挂了。我之后反应过来,应该说的是thanks for your time. 然后不多久,就接到这个中介公司发来的邮件,意思是说,如果在1周内还没接到他们的任何消息,就可以视作我fail掉了此次机会,祝我以后找工作顺利……

作者: sliuhao    时间: 6-9-2012 11:05
From my point of view, you can't talk to agency like that. It just ruin out everything.
作者: xiaohuajun    时间: 6-9-2012 11:58
oh, 被我搞砸了……感觉找了三个月,人都疲了,现在一打开seek,都木有感觉了
作者: kuafu    时间: 6-9-2012 12:10
作者: my887    时间: 6-9-2012 13:45
作者: sliuhao    时间: 6-9-2012 13:49
原帖由 my887 于 6-9-2012 12:45 发表

That's right!
作者: riverain    时间: 6-9-2012 13:53
国内外的中介都是一个基本原则, 只会找最容易卖的出去的人.
作者: sliuhao    时间: 6-9-2012 14:01
原帖由 riverain 于 6-9-2012 12:53 发表
国内外的中介都是一个基本原则, 只会找最容易卖的出去的人.

Or they called most fitted.
作者: wj22    时间: 6-9-2012 21:25
原帖由 xiaohuajun 于 6-9-2012 09:53 发表
大概两周前,接到中介电话,然后中介找俺去面试,说是面试,其实更像是不太正规的谈话,问了我的情况,经历。中介mm说很感兴趣,要帮我推荐公司,让我回家等消息。然后第二天就接到中介mm的邮件,说已经post我的简历到XXXX公司。我当时还以为终于有希望了,因为已经找工3个月了,正经历很难熬的时期,以为春天就要来到了 ,结果一等2周过去了,没有接到任何的电话……自己估摸着,也是直接被公司给pass掉了,因为不够牛吧,这到没啥,有自知之明,呵呵。前两天这个中介mm又打给我,问我,最近怎么样,有没有在市场上有任何的突破,进展。我实话实说了,没有,还没有和公司面试过,我本来想再多说两句,介个mm以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃儿响叮当之势,说了句什么,就挂了。我之后反应过来,应该说的是thanks for your time. 然后不多久,就接到这个中介公司发来的邮件,意思是说,如果在1周内还没接到他们的任何消息,就可以视作我fail掉了此次机会,祝我以后找工作顺利……


作者: xiaohuajun    时间: 6-9-2012 23:22
作者: candy3487    时间: 6-9-2012 23:40
作者: YUEXMA    时间: 6-9-2012 23:49
作者: xiaohuajun    时间: 6-9-2012 23:59
我有过几年的会计工作经验,但是确实并不牛,手里也没有CPA 或者CA的证书。 那个中介开始把我夸的,我都对自己充满信心了,呵呵。现实还是残酷地,想找个entry level的工作,但是都要本地的学生,口语流利,没有经验,起码语言就应该过关。不上不下的,
作者: freespirit    时间: 7-9-2012 00:09
XX公司如对你有兴趣是应该中介来通知你的而不是公司直接找你联系,你应该在中介post了你的简历后一周左右去同中介follow up.
作者: xiaohuajun    时间: 7-9-2012 00:59
标题: 回复 #2 sliuhao 的帖子
这回知道了, 争取下周再主动联系她一下,看看有没有合适的职位再推荐给偶了
作者: sliuhao    时间: 7-9-2012 11:26
原帖由 xiaohuajun 于 6-9-2012 23:59 发表
这回知道了, 争取下周再主动联系她一下,看看有没有合适的职位再推荐给偶了

I'd like to say something to you just from my point of view. It could be wrong.
1) When the agent first contact you, that means he/she is expressing some interests on you after the screen scan.
2) You need show some quality and profession way to the agent.
3) The agent maybe invite you to their office to have a look at you before they finalize the short list or before send you to the client(employer).(That happens a lot when you just fresh or the agent is fresh as well or you just move to OZ, they want to know you are fit to the work, not just skill but culture)
4) If you never been asked to send agent the authorize mail to present you,that means you probably just end up with the short list with agent.
And If they call you later(3-4wks, or month), they just want to follow you to see how's going with your job search, and know the progress of your job finding. And
you tell them nothing happened, that's means you are out of this market(something), they just have no interest at all. Maybe they cross your name from their pursuit list.It is not good. You can say something positive about your current situation like you are investigation this market, have some agent contacted etc

5) If you been send to the client(employer), you also can end up with the employer's short list, coz heaps of agents send their candidate as well, unless you have secure a interview.

any way, good luck!
作者: klron    时间: 7-9-2012 12:17
原帖由 sliuhao 于 7-9-2012 10:26 发表

I'd like to say something to you just from my point of view. It could be wrong.
1) When the agent first contact you, that means he/she is expressing some interests on you after the screen scan.

Agree. I was hired by current company through recruitment agency, all communications bw the employer and me throughout the whole hiring process was via agency including initial interview arrangement, follow-ups. short listing and conditional offer till formal offer.actually my labour contract was signed with agency as contractor.

Be positive and persistent. it s just timing issue needing a bit luck. I secured my first job as pt accountant 2m since i came to aus last year and full time now working for a big company. If you used to work in international company back in china, that is your precious experience, and try your luck with big companies as well in australia.

My experience is recruitment agency especially big names almost helpless in my case due to lack of local experience. so approaching local smaller one or potential employers directly would be more practical.

Good luck.
作者: sliuhao    时间: 7-9-2012 12:31
原帖由 klron 于 7-9-2012 11:17 发表

Agree. I was hired by current company through recruitment agency, all communications bw the employer and me throughout the whole hiring process was via agency including initial interview arrangeme ...

That's right. Try to be smart, let the people feel that. Nobody was given a job unless they find something special on you.
Keep going and good luck.Everyone desires a chance, even a second chance.I am not saying call them back.LOL
作者: xiaohuajun    时间: 8-9-2012 18:22
hehe, Thanks a lot!
作者: ayuanx    时间: 10-9-2012 11:35
原帖由 xiaohuajun 于 6-9-2012 09:53 发表
大概两周前,接到中介电话,然后中介找俺去面试,说是面试,其实更像是不太正规的谈话,问了我的情况,经历。中介mm说很感兴趣,要帮我推荐公司,让我回家等消息。然后第二天就接到中介mm的邮件,说已经post我的简历 ...


1 发虚假广告,实际上没有职位
2 给你打电话,甚至邀请你去他office面试,但往往故意不告诉你雇主名称
3 之后没任何消息,去问也是各种理由
4 一两个月等你彻底忘了这事后突然再给你发邮件或者打电话,但这次不会先假装推职位,而是只问你情况。如果你说你还没找到工作,那他再过一两个月又故技重施;如果你说你已经找到了工作,那他基本一年内就此消失
5 如果你足够留心,会发现伊隔一两个月就把同样一份广告来回发(特点是一没有具体公司名称,二职位要求很模糊很宽泛,三每次只改动一两句话其他全不变,但唯有雇主描述和地点却可能变来变去)

[ 本帖最后由 ayuanx 于 10-9-2012 10:47 编辑 ]
作者: ayuanx    时间: 10-9-2012 11:38
原帖由 freespirit 于 6-9-2012 23:09 发表
XX公司如对你有兴趣是应该中介来通知你的而不是公司直接找你联系,你应该在中介post了你的简历后一周左右去同中介follow up.

I agree
作者: freespirit    时间: 10-9-2012 13:02
标题: 回复 #21 ayuanx 的帖子

作者: sliuhao    时间: 10-9-2012 13:10
原帖由 freespirit 于 10-9-2012 12:02 发表

You can be straight, told them no work, do not call you, even when you talk to them, you can feel it.
My current job through agent as well, just four day. Monday call me expressed the interest, Tuesday passed to employer, Wednesday Employer interviewed, Thursday signed offer.
Experienced agent would not waste any time on you or him.Either be the agent does not have strong relationship with employer, or he/she just not confidence to put you through. If there it is, then there it is.
作者: eternitylove    时间: 10-9-2012 13:19
作者: loveaussie    时间: 10-9-2012 15:48

出了)不过,有些中介的consultant还是不错的,会根据你的情况提出很中肯的建议。譬如:没有本地经验的,不要一味的只是盯着permanent full time job。要把自己的选择放开,这样机会才会多。因为很多temp工作的要求没那么高,只是帮助公司过渡几个星期或者几个月,一般不需要公司面试。中介面试过后直接上班。后续有很大机会留在那个公司做permanent,但是前提是你能够展示给雇主一个很好的工作能力和态度!!!能力重要,态度其实更重要!!!

我是做会计的,去年登陆也是从temp开始做的,从最初的7个星期long annual leave cover,一直断断续续的在一个单位做不同的职位做了5个月。到后来的留在公司拿到Perm Offer。。。

期间也目睹了,3个同一个中介推荐过来的temp staff拿到Perm offer...

作者: jesson    时间: 12-9-2012 19:08
作者: jessiewang1119    时间: 13-9-2012 15:49
原帖由 freespirit 于 6-9-2012 23:09 发表
XX公司如对你有兴趣是应该中介来通知你的而不是公司直接找你联系,你应该在中介post了你的简历后一周左右去同中介follow up.


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