Surrogate mothers, parents and lawyers have joined forces with LGBT community advocates to help fight planned changes to Queensland’s Surrogacy Act which would criminalise gay surrogacy arrangements.
An emergency community meeting was held in Brisbane last night to help kick-off a campaign to stop the changes, with not-for-profit association Surrogacy Australia alarmed by the Queensland government’s proposed amendments to the Surrogacy Act to exclude same-sex couples, singles and heterosexual de facto couples of less than two years.
The proposed changes will criminalise, by up to three years jail, any same-sex couples or singles who seek to be parents through an altruistic (non-commercial) surrogacy arrangement. The proposed legislation also intends to block access to recognition as parents on birth certificates for lesbian co-parents.
Queensland psychologist and LGBT community advocate Paul Martin said the new changes were unworkable and discriminatory meddling by the government in means of family formation.
“Taking away existing rights to a stigmatised minority will lead to increased levels of psychological stress for adults and their children,” he said.
“25 percent of same sex couples are currently raising children and their families need protection from further stigmatisation.”
Premier Campbell Newman claimed before the election that surrogacy laws would not be tampered with. However, Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie (pictured) said shortly after the announcement of reforms last week that Newman hadn’t been properly briefed on the plans.
“Over the whole 12-month period of the campaign I never at any stage had had any advice on the matter because it had been dealt with back in 2010,” Newman said yesterday.
“Frankly, the mistake was not understanding what my MPs had been discussing.”作者: diamond168 时间: 3-7-2012 02:54
这个没道理。从孩子成长来讲,离异的单亲家庭可以努力做得很好,那么同性恋借腹生子的后代一样可以成长得好;从血缘关系来讲,领养的孩子可以得到好的照顾而健康成长,同人的孩子当然可以很好地得到照顾成长。作者: diamond168 时间: 3-7-2012 02:56
不知道他们就这个问题拿出什么样的理由与依据而修改法律。作者: xblues 时间: 3-7-2012 12:47
提示: 作者被禁止或删除, 无法发言标题: 回复 #3 diamond168 的帖子 这是上周报出的昆士兰把同性恋伴侣的【民事结合】降级为【注册关系】的延续。
当然,实际原因,我们都知道,他们是从根本上歧视和仇视同志。作者: 蓝山夜妖 时间: 3-7-2012 14:23 标题: 回复 #3 diamond168 的帖子 我很赞同,这个做法看不出有什么法理的依据,如果只是照顾宗教团体的感受而立法,那这个法律把昆士兰送回中世纪了。作者: choz 时间: 6-7-2012 02:33
好恐怖的法律!他们宁愿把孩子们送到孤儿院,也不愿意让孩子有快乐的家庭。作者: choz 时间: 6-7-2012 02:34