标题: 上周徒步照片在#104楼 [打印本页] 作者: 青竹 时间: 25-6-2012 19:17 标题: 上周徒步照片在#104楼 Outdoor activities carry their own risks of injury and death. The Organizer has no any control over what the participant does, and cannot accept any liability for any loss or accidents which the participant might suffer.
I completed 45.1 KM with over 2610 meters ascent and over 2610 meters descent for 11 hours 53 min on Sept 1 2012, under very poor my personal condition.
I could show you part of this track if you are in Sydney. The view at both K-wall and Narrow Neck is great. Circleyue knew very well.作者: circleyue 时间: 6-9-2012 00:49
现在公司太忙,缺人 要到月底才能走作者: banksxin 时间: 6-9-2012 18:27 标题: 我可参加 我参加。希望人越多越好,大力支持。作者: silkwormfrog 时间: 7-9-2012 10:49
Count me in
Just myself作者: banksxin 时间: 7-9-2012 16:22 标题: 大家快报名参加,这会让你更年轻了,更美丽了,更健康了。 大家快报名参加啦,人多说说笑笑玩玩闹闹欣赏春天的美景一下子就走玩了,更重要的是更年轻了,更美丽了,更健康了。