不知道AMES的其他服务是不是也都转给这个语言学校了,像English for Professional及Skillmax之类的。
[ 本帖最后由 virtualleo 于 25-5-2012 17:26 编辑 ]作者: HappyXiaozhuma 时间: 26-5-2012 01:44
感谢LZ分享,对同为新移民非常有用。静候LZ发布关于语言学习等最新消息。偶也准备报个English for Professional之类的班。周末愉快!作者: keepdancing 时间: 26-5-2012 01:50
我在下面这帖里回答过这个问题。 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/viewthrea ... &highlight=AMES作者: tiffany20000 时间: 26-5-2012 18:01
我昨天刚刚翻译驾照归来的,因为我打RTA的电话了,他们说只有CRC才是指定翻译机构,在townhall那里.说白了就是要收钱.24小时取114,1周取93, 2周取75, 我选了114, 下周一能取了.涨价了,这点破活为毛收这么多??作者: keepdancing 时间: 26-5-2012 19:50 标题: 回复 #4 tiffany20000 的帖子 他们电话连他们自己的正式说法都说不全面:
How do I convert my overseas driver licence to a NSW driver licence?
If your overseas licence is not written in English, you must provide an official translation from the NSW Community Relations Commission For a Multi-Cultural NSW.
Roads and Maritime Services also accepts translations obtained from the fee-free translation service provided by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). The DIAC fee-free service is only available to eligible people. For more information on this service, please visit the DIAC website at www.immi.gov.au or phone 131 881.
五楼不是写了到DIAC网站去查么?不要太懒了哟?还是帮你找一下吧。在这里啦!http://www.immi.gov.au/living-in ... ranslation_help.htm作者: gmint 时间: 29-5-2012 17:17
Eligibility period
Documents can only be accepted for free translations within a period of two years after the date of:
•the client's initial arrival in Australia with a permanent visa or citizenship