黑眼睛,老到couple, 大饼一伙, 挑战极限,雪山camping
一组newgay带队 缆车徒步登雪山, 当日返回
还有就是我们, 清风领队的四驱探险。。。探险探险探险探险探险探险, 一个字。。险:Q
经历是另人难忘的 pp
送战友, 登险峰
他们大大的包包, 装有帐篷睡袋小锅食物和补给。。。很重。。拖着都费力,我肯定作不了登山的勇士了:L
对他们只有佩服 佩服 还是佩服:good 徒步一日登山组都是早起的鸟。。。很早就出发上路啦
我们是最后一组, 考虑安全问题, 清风计划,12点阳光明媚时, 我们再出发
我们终于登上对岸。。:P 接着来。。。
领队清风和他经过多次改良提高的 subaru forester
Tom 小迷糊 和他们的大切
Sydneysider 和他的 toyota prado
Freepps couple和他们的爱驹Nissan Patrol
我们小小的nissan x trail
尽管小, 但自从迈进我们家门, 也是经历过大世面。。
Alice Spring 的中部越野
还有去年年底的圣诞Fraser Island 自虐
但这所以的过去,同这次清风组织的探险相比 都暗淡无光。。。都是神马浮云了。。。。
[ 本帖最后由 KYLIE2008 于 7-5-2011 20:00 编辑 ] :handshake :handshake :handshake
虽是难度大, 险象环生, 但还是有一些风景的,
特别是我, 刚越过河, 就以为可以高枕无忧了,。。。。
但这大错特错啦。。:L 随着向山里推进, 路况越来越差。。深宽的轮胎印记, 打着弧度,对驾驶技术要求非常的高,
好在路面干燥, 可以设想若路面湿滑, 那难度将会怎样
这就是为什么清风要近晌午出发。。。 原帖由 KYLIE2008 于 7-5-2011 19:58 发表 http://www.freeoz.net/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
领队清风和他经过多次改良提高的 subaru forester
Tom 小迷糊 和他们的大切
Sydneysider 和他的 toyota prado
Freepps couple和他们的爱驹Nissan Patrol
此次越野,很有挑战性,紧张且刺激! 不过我们都经受了考验。
期待着登顶精品! 太美了,等换了车,我一定要参加一次, 来点解说, 关于以上的照片
这是整个过程里的最高难度, 45度以上的弧形坡, 带有不规则的轮胎深度压痕
清风同学勇猛无敌, 第一个向上冲
由于较窄的极升的路面,危险极大, 大家将车park在坡下安全地方, 等待清风冲顶
突然间, 清风停在半路中,不能一次冲上去,就是一个危险信号。斜着停在陡坡中的车任何一个疏忽的行为都有可能造成翻车的危险, 不知当时清风的心情怎样。。
大家很为他担心。 一个朋友跑上去, 帮他查看路面, 经过一番整理, 清风二次试车。。。
很遗憾,没有成功, 还好, 安全退到坡下。
看到这种情况, 我们家ld毅然决然的放弃尝试。。。当然, 坐车的我和孩子是不会体会他内心的活动, 对难度和危险也是领会不足。。所以才能镇定的记录下这个过程。。。
第二车,是sydneysider的prado, 队伍的政委 ( :lol 我封的)主动提出再试。。。
由于路是弯的, 根本看不到上面情况, 大家对讲机保持联络,上行的车随时有可能与下行的车遭遇, 单行道宽, sydneysider建议, 若他冲顶成功, 可将下行车辆拦住, 保证我们的车上行成功。若sydneysider成功, 相信tom和freepps都没有什么问题, 毕竟他们的马力强劲。。。。 还要说下队形
sydneysider 第二
freepps的patrol最强劲, 断后
说实话, 若没有大家的鼓励和支持,我们可能早就放弃啦。特别是 freepps的近距离技术指导, 多次使我们化险为夷, 最后还把我们拖出困境。
其中有一段,路况非常复杂,到处是轮胎深痕。 尽管清风和小迷糊一直在提醒大家路况, 但我们的车还是有一只轮胎悬空,多亏freepps的贴心指导, 几厘米, 几厘米的移动, 才使我们的车脱离险境。象这种情况, 回来的时候更多,没想到年轻的freepps经验这样丰富, 而且危险中表现的相当镇静:good , 稳定我们的心态,使我们在平静中小心翼翼的驶处危险地带。 好在我们放弃尝试,走上坡后, 道路更加险峻,
现在我们人马挤在3辆大车中, 大车动力十足, 又都是经验老手, 又跑有40, 50公里的路, 终于看到山顶 看到其他4wd club的trip report, 和我们的路线相近,贴给大家参考
Here is a trip report from a recent trip by some members of the Murray Bridge 4wd club.
The trip was 8 days so I will post it in installments. There are some pics that I'm trying to work out how to include but haven't quite worked it out yet. By the way a special howdy to Split Pin and gang who we met later in the week
After travelling via various routes to Bright on Saturday, everybody met at the servo on Sunday morning at around 9 am. The group consisting of Tony & Mari-anne Eckermann (Jackaroo), Wayne, Marg, Kirsty and Guy Jackson (Patrol), John & Deb Chambers (Landcruiser), Greg, Di , Nathan and Todd Schulz (Landcruiser) and Robbo and Carrol (Troopy). We left Bright and headed straight for the Blue Rag Spur Track with John and Deb staying behind and re-joining the group that night. Supposed to be one of the ‘to do’ tracks in the high country it didn’t disappoint, with fantastic 360 degree views. Then following a steep 1200 metre descent, lunch was had at the bottom of the track on the Wongungarra River. Lunch finished, it was back up the now steep ascent onto the North Basalt track continuing to the South Basalt track and another rather steep descent into Talbotville for Camp. During the afternoon we were able to have some contact with John & Deb via radio and found them waiting for us at our first night campsite. Weather was slightly cool with a little rain. In the evening the camp was visited by a very friendly kookaburra which was able to be hand fed.
With everyone ready to move, we left camp at 9 am and left via the Crooked River track stopping about half way to explore the Good Hope gold mine site while Tony tried to locate the source of some rather noisy creaking coming from the rear brakes. After the 26 river crossings in 8kms and an adjustment of the Jackaroo handbrake, we travelled up the steep Bulltown Spur Track to the site of Grant Mining Township where we spent some time looking at the history board. Jacko had found a mine some years earlier so we went searching for it and after a short drive found it and went inside for a look. The main shaft went in some 200 metres. A group photo was had and everyone exited to travel on to the Grant cemetery for lunch. The cemetery was overgrown with new growth after the bushfires and with the inclement weather we didn’t spend much time looking around. Into the afternoon, the mist set in which made for some interesting driving conditions. We came across a hunters camp at the bottom of the Matheson Spur Track and got talking to a guy over the radio who had just been there making some preparations for the upcoming hunting season and we were invited to use the camp if we wished. We moved on with talk of maybe coming across some snow if we could get closer to Mt Hotham (don’t know who started that one). Conditions got very foggy at the top of the Stock Route Track and there was even some ice on the windscreens at one stage - that was the closest we got to snow. Taking some tracks that eventually led us through Cobungra Station, we made camp at a nice clean roadside park at the turnoff to Victoria Falls lookout. Unfortunately the weather was still inclement and not much social activity was had.
After packing up camp, we left for Omeo, stopping to take in the view north to Mt Kosciusko which we found out later was covered in 15 cm of snow at the time. Into Omeo for some fuel and supplies - the bakery was very popular, we headed off to our destination for the day - Limestone Flat. The scenery changed with a lot more undergrowth and the trees more scrubby in apearance. Robbo finally got to use his brand new chainsaw as there were a number of trees which had fallen onto the track. Lunch was had on the side of a more major road and from there we eventually reached Limestone Creek campsite at about 4pm. The kids were keen to try their hand at fishing as Jacko had spotted a number of small trout in the stream. It wasn’t long before Guy had a small brown trout which was promptly returned to the stream because of its size. John did the honours and went off to cut some fire wood with the help of some of the crew. Camp ovens were put on to cook. Then it was time to relax and enjoy a beautiful evening with good conversation and some cool beers etc. Just on dusk some brumbies were spotted not far from the camp, so all got to see them before they headed off into the bush. Into the evening Nathan and Guy returned to camp having found some caves telling everyone how good they were. People retired at their leisure with the last ones going to bed around midnight.
An early rise had everyone ready to travel out for the trek to the head of the Murray river. This wasn’t going to be easy with about 5 kms of walking and a rise of over 400 metres. Carol and Mari-anne decided to spend the day in camp and relax, having some fun as we found out when we got back , with some rangers who were very interested in the Schulz’s & Jackson’s Oztents. One of the rangers mentioned that if his wife knew about the shower tents we had setup, he might be able to get her enthusiastic about getting outdoors for some camping too. Carol even did a sales spiel on Robbo’s new intercooler - Marianne and the rangers were most impressed. The rangers warned the two girls not to get too close to the brumbies as they had a real nasty streak and had been known to attack people.
Meanwhile the main group were well on their way to the starting point of the day’s walk, taking roughly 1 ¾ hrs to drive along the Cobberas Trail (very rough with an interesting steep pinch in the middle). John and Deb followed and continued on in their vehicle as they left us to start our walk. We walked for nearly 2 hrs to get to Cowombat Flat. It didn’t take long to locate the stream. We then followed it as far as we could still see water until it seemed to disappear. After that it was a series of boggy patches where we could still hear the water running underground in places. It was decided to have lunch and a well earned rest in the shade of some trees. After lunch, at a suitable spot where the steam started to flow consistently, some photos were taken and given the time of day, it was decided to start heading back. At least it was going to be mostly downhill on return to the cars eventually getting back to camp around 5:30 pm. After tea that evening the boys wanted to go back and explore the cave, so Tony and Jacko went with them to supervise. An hour or so later the boys returned, and everyone was keen to have a look in the morning before leaving camp.
A more leisurely start to the day with some of the group enjoying bacon & eggs for breakfast before packing up for the day’s drive. A short walk from the camp had the troops down on their hands and knees crawling through the entrance to Sheehan’s cave. Even Deb Chambers was coerced inside for a look around. Once in, the cave opened up and we were able to move around the large chambers with relative ease. There were lots of stalactites & stalagmites with many offshoots to explore. There was a lot to see and one could spend hours exploring if they were prepared to get a little dirty crawling through the smaller tunnels. Time was ticking and we had to move out, finally leaving camp at 11 am. Leaving via the Limestone Creek track we headed downstream to a camping area called the Poplars - the first public vehicle access to the Murray River, where the river was now about 5 or so metres wide(approx 15 kms downstream from where we had walked to the day before). Onto Mcarthy’s track, and then Davies Plain track and lunch at Charlie’s Creek camping area. Continuing on the Davies plain track, we turned onto the King Plain track and descended from 1760 metres down to 830 to get another look at the Mighty Murray (pretty steep in places). Once back up on the Davies Plain track, we stopped for a look at Davies Plain hut which had survived the recent bushfires and was in very good condition. Crossing into NSW, camp was made at Tom Groggin on the Mighty Murray which was now close to 10 metres wide with a nice waterfall just downstream from camp. Happy hour was had on the banks of the river where everyone just sat and relaxed in the afternoon calm.
John and Deb had to leave the group and left soon after breakfast to go home to Mt Pleasant. After some discussion the night before, an unplanned day trip was organised to go to Thredbo and see Mt Kosciusko given we were only 20 Kms away. Taking the chairlift as far as we could go it was then a 6.5 km walk to the summit. Greg and Di went as far as the lookout while the Jacksons, Robbo, Nathan and Todd made it all the way to the summit. All the snow we had seen a few days earlier was gone bar for some small areas of snow left over from the winter. Then it was back to camp for another night.
An early start to the day saw everyone ready to go at 8:30 am. Crossing the river back into Vic we headed for the Mt Pinnibar Track and another steep climb to the peak. We were joined by 2 other vehicles which had passed us while we had stopped to check out some noises coming from the Jackaroo only to find out that there was a rather large tree blocking the track. Not having a chainsaw they stayed with us until we reached Mt Pinnibar. Great views were had at the peak before we headed onto the Mt Gibbo-Mt Anderson tracks. It was then onto the recently bulldozed Pheasant Creek track with a very steep descent to the Gibbo river for lunch. What goes down must go up! And a just as steep rise saw us heading out of the river and eventually onto the Benambra-Corryong road. It was then straight to Taylors Crossing on the Mitta-Mitta River and our last camp as a group at Kennedy’s Hut just downstream from the crossing. Another great happy hour was had where Jacko and Tony decided to try and make fire by rubbing sticks together. After possibly a few too many beers and much conjecture from the audience it was deemed futile. Must have been the cheap Victorian timber!
Another early rise and everyone was ready to leave soon after 8 am. A quick stop at the Wombat Creek post office site and we were heading out on the Wombat Creek Track , which was possibly the steepest and shaliest track of the week - a good one to finish off the trip with. Then onto the Razor track and down the Omeo highway to Mitta Mitta to put some air in the tyres and buy a pie from the shop. Schulz’s & Jacksons headed off to Shepparton and home arriving back in Murray Bridge around 11:30 pm. Robbo and Carol & the Eckerman’s headed for Echuca and one final camp on the banks of the Murray before getting back to Murray Bridge on Monday afternoon.
All in all a great week was had. Good company - Great times 登顶成功, 原来也不是高处不胜寒, 竟然有这么多人, 借用freepps的话说, 原来大家在开会:D 费尽艰辛, 看到的真是不一般的风景。。。 我们准备下山时, 正有一车队向上走, 这时已近3点, 我们要在天黑前赶回营地
还有一插曲, newgay 才子一伙登mt kosciusko, 我们在mt alpine上行驶, 他们登顶的消息不时在对讲机中传来, 在危机中的我都没有时间说一句恭喜的话。。。:L 那路看着太惊险了! 话说前一天跑夜路,三个多小时的车程也没见几辆车。
:L 后半段搭蹭Michael老弟的车,实在没有勇气尝试那个高坡了。 下山更是艰险, 大家在讨论 其实那天,我早就想偷偷掉头逃掉,反正我是最后一个,大家谁都看不见我:funk:
上到山顶,才偷偷找了一棵小树,不然就丢人丢大了:$ 俗话说得好,美食和美景人人皆想得之吔吗。。。。。,另外一位维省越野爱好者告诉我,2年前他开过2001年原厂没改装的Subaru Outback到达顶峰,他唯一所做的就是把轮胎气压降到18 psi, 这样看来是我的准备工作做得不够好,需要检讨:funk:顺便告诉大家和黑眼睛一个好消息,我刚刚订好的HD摄像机和一部大型遥控直升机12~13天到达澳洲,到时就可以搞空中航拍和地面摄影一起来哦,后期制作可以猛男加美女来主持地点在我朋友的一个大型Studio来拍摄,把我们每一个精彩片段讲述到活色生香。黑眼睛你觉得如何。。。:lol
回复 #47 KYLIE2008 的帖子
IMG_4531s.jpg 山顶的皮卡是不是后面改装的可以睡觉了?眼睛置办家伙~ 原帖由 熏肉大饼 于 9-5-2011 19:06 发表 http://www.freeoz.biz/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
IMG_4531s.jpg 山顶的皮卡是不是后面改装的可以睡觉了?
山顶上那队车队的车 , 我都仔细观察过了,估计是一群爱好者自己组织的车队,最明显的就是,第一辆车和最后一辆车都打了一面高高的小红旗,
希望大家指正补充 原帖由 FREEPPS 于 9-5-2011 23:44 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
山顶上那队车队的车 , 我都仔细观察过了,估计是一群爱好者自己组织的车队,最明显的就是,第一辆车和最后一辆车都打了一面高高的小红旗,
看的我直流口水,每一辆车都有我梦寐以求的装备,而且他们一来就是 ...
所以我们FREEOZ OVERLANDER越野车队将来出游时最多是7辆车,而且统一分工装备(除了个人卫生&睡觉用品),
还有我刚刚买了一个最新研发的野外Shower 装备,好处是省略了所有管子,电池和煤气的麻烦。只要往不锈钢筒子里面倒水然后加热就可以了,
[ 本帖最后由 清风如意 于 10-5-2011 00:28 编辑 ] 往里打压,利用压缩空气产生热量?
无论如何,是个好东西 清风你厉害!
How to do it ------ Remove the pump and fill the RainMan tank with cold water to
within 5cm or 2?from the top of the tank, about 12 litres or 3 Gallons --- Place the tank
on a robust 7,500btu gas stove or burner for around 15 minutes ---- when the LCD strip
thermometer on the side of the tank reaches the correct temperature remove from heat
immediately -- insert the pump and raise the telescopic pipe system up out of the tank
to a height that suites you,
Tilt the showerhead up and pump the handle ---- 8 to 10 times then tilt the
shower head down a little and the hot water will start flowingBy tilting the showerhead
down in stages - you can get anywhere between a 10-minute & a 5-minute pressurized
hot shower -- when the pressure drops pump the handle 30 to 40 times and so on until
you finish your shower -- It only takes 15 seconds or less to pump the handle 30 times
Number of pumps required ---- During a 5-minute shower you would need
to pump the handle approx. 30 to 40 times twice --- For a 10-minute shower you would
need approximately 30 to 40 pumps 3 times. It only takes 15 seconds or less to pump
the handle 30 times
To release the pressure in the tank If you have finished your shower
and have not used all of the water in the tank - you can release the pressure by pulling
the ring up on the spring loaded valve and save the water for your next shower.
Hint To prolong your shower, tilt the showerhead up while soaping up or pumping as
this will save water and you will enjoy a lot longer shower - than the times shown above
and two people can have a good 5 - minute shower or longer, on the one tank fill.
There's is no fiddling around trying to adjust the water to the correct temperature and
if required the RainMan hot camp shower can be heated ---------- beside the camp fire 原帖由 我无聊 于 10-5-2011 11:52 发表 http://www.freeoz.biz/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
How to do it ------ Remove the pump and fill the RainMan tank with cold water to
within 5cm or 2?from the top of the tank, about 12 litres or ...
想象力无极限呀,看来是我想多了,还是要烧一下的说,不过也是好东西 原帖由 FREEPPS 于 10-5-2011 12:33 发表 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
聊天忘了会不会烧过度了爆炸>>>>>>>>>>>>:funk: :funk: :funk: 原帖由 我无聊 于 10-5-2011 11:52 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
How to do it ------ Remove the pump and fill the RainMan tank with cold water to
within 5cm or 2?from the top of the tank, about 12 litres or ...
介个不就是锅炉嘛 原帖由 熏肉大饼 于 10-5-2011 19:27 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
:lol :lol
介个是自助式淋浴热水器 清风介绍的这个东西挺好的,很方便呢。
我之前用的办法是,买个了大铁桶,在热的地方,就放在沙地上晒,吸热效果比胶袋的那种要快,大概1个小时就有热水了,如果晒的时间长了,太热,还可以加些冷水,如果天气不热,就放在小煤气炉上加热,也可以放在小堆柴火上加热。 有了热水以后,就可以用抽水花洒洗热水澡了。