金山,然后是银山 太美了!震撼。我也好想亲眼看看这样接近天堂的地方。 very nice! I visited there twice and was never able to see her during sunrise. only saw the golden mountains nearby when viewing from the yubeng village. You can see Kawagebo almost every day during the winter.However, it was -15 C every night.A lot of ice and deep snow when trekking. After all, it's well worth it. 楼主好幸运,是在飞来寺拍的吗? 很清晰,羡慕,感觉只能意会。 美不胜收啊,,,,,,, :yct_16
向往的美景~~~~ 看呆了,金山壮丽,银山晶莹,我都不知道还有这么个地方。。
没想到你摄影这么好,真棒! 镇江也有个金山,我上次回国拍的照片U盘丢了。。明儿个我让我同学拍点山水照片给我,我来写篇游记给你看看镇江:P