PS 过吗? 这红的有点厉害。本人也用K-7, 这不, 正琢磨着换K-5呢。 没有,JPG直出。我是几周前刚买的。 一般,,没什么细节 当时正犹豫买什么。看了这个帖子, 直接在网上订了一个。看来PENTAX的色彩真的是太浓郁了。
http://bbs.fengniao.com/forum/1593887.html 不一定,JPEG直出的话, 你要看一下渲染模式,我一般用“风雅”, 或 “标准”,如用“靓丽”等等, 对JPEG的颜色有很大影响。颜色细节会被覆盖。
Buguo, 用RAW就无所谓了。 用PENTAX,一定要用活取长补短。 HYPER-PROGRAM 好用阿! 原帖由 katsura 于 19-11-2010 21:03 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
不一定,JPEG直出的话, 你要看一下渲染模式,我一般用“风雅”, 或 “标准”,如用“靓丽”等等, 对JPEG的颜色有很大影响。颜色细节会被覆盖。
Buguo, 用RAW就无所谓了。
有道理,可能和SETTING SUPER FINE 有关。 No, no, not the JPEG detail setting, I meant the setting you access by pressing the right button, then select from a list such as "Standard, Bright, Vibrant,etc etc."
Like this:
I would leave it on 'Flat' or 'Standard' to get a realistic colour space.
Check your user manual :) Just checking - are you relatively new to using an SLR?
The K-7 is a semi-pro level camera and have a LOT of settings you can tweak, don't use it as a point and shoot/ digital compact.
you really gotta learn the ins and outs of it's working to get nice photos :) Thanks. You are right, this is my first DSLR. 本人也是k7,咱们组织个k7党吧:lol 原帖由 四香油饼 于 21-11-2010 15:29 发表 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
K党,不是3K党就好! K党 :good 顶K党:good :good