布里斯班拍的鸟 Pied Oystercher
新手拍鸟 请多多指教 小虫子看来很鲜嫩啊,吃的一定舒服。 又进来过眼瘾,长见识! 沙虫呵,想起湛江的沙虫粥,很多年没吃了。不过看上去太小了。 原帖由 tony.zheng 于 17-11-2010 23:29 发表 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif沙虫呵,想起湛江的沙虫粥,很多年没吃了。不过看上去太小了。
:funk: :funk: :funk: 天啊,真吃啊!:funk: :funk: :funk: 楼主拍的真好
平时都去哪里拍鸟? 啥时候我们约一起出去找鸟吧
[ 本帖最后由 136mydream 于 18-11-2010 09:59 编辑 ] 偷偷问楼主一句,目前一共拍了多少种了呀
[ 本帖最后由 136mydream 于 18-11-2010 10:04 编辑 ]
好呀我一人拍鸟好孤单我是到处乱跑 拍了一百多种了 我给你介绍个俱乐部吧,birds queensland,有会员600多个,当然以老年人为主了,不过作为少见的亚洲年轻人,我在里面很受欢迎;P 大家都特别热情地传授知识你上他们网站看
每月基本有一次摄影group的外出活动,一次bird watching外出活动,一次easy start新手观鸟活动(这个不在网站上公布,要向team leader索取)
[ 本帖最后由 136mydream 于 20-11-2010 20:44 编辑 ] 布里斯班最好的观鸟地点,分一二三星,三星的就最好http://birdsqueensland.org.au/downloads/birdplaces.pdf
Saturday 27 November - Old Beaudesert Road, Coulson
Leader: Barry Jahnke ph 0411 278 865
This is a combination of easy walk and drive along a quiet back road near the Teviot Brook. The route takes us past open paddocks, open forest and riparian habitats, some ofwhich will be effected by the Wyaralong Dam proposal.
Directions: Take the Ipswich - Boonah Road or Beaudesert - Boonah Road to where they meet at Coulson. Just below this junction is a bare patch beside the Beaudesert-Boonah Road, where we will meet at 7am. Bring morning tea and lunch, as well as protection from sun and insects.
对了不知道你住哪个区呀,要是不远的话我们开一辆车出去就好了。有兴趣的话给我个短消息,我把我电话号码给你 今年最后一次月会在12月2日晚上,我可能去参加,好久没见老头老太太们了,还挺想念的
Meetings are held at the Royal Geographical Society's Rooms, 237 Milton Rd, Milton (opp. the Railway Station, UBD 159 F11) on the first Thursday of each month except January. Doors open at 7:15 pm, the meeting starts at 7:45 pm with a short talk followed by notices and other business. This is followed by the main address. Following questions members are invited to raise further business, announcements or issues. Supper is provided after the meeting and a $2 donation is requested to assist with the cost of refreshments and hire of the venue.
Speakers calendar for 2010
December 2nd: Tthe Annual General Meeting of Birds Queensland (Queensland Ornithological Society Inc) will be held on Thursday 2nd December 2010 in the Royal Geographical Society's rooms at 237 Milton Road, Milton. The meeting will start at 7.30 pm. Election of the Management Committee for 2011 will take place at this meeting, for the positions of President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to 10 Committee Members. 太感谢了我住在城里 我对湛江也很熟哟 我家乡是茂名的 原帖由 可爱的笑翠鸟 于 21-11-2010 08:07 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
我对湛江也很熟哟 我家乡是茂名的
怎么提起这个的? 原帖由 可爱的笑翠鸟 于 21-11-2010 08:00 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
12月初那个你有没有兴趣去? 我没时间参加 沙虫呵,想起湛江的沙虫粥,很多年没吃了。不过看上去太小了。
tony.zheng17-11-2010 23:29