本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 21-8-2020 16:26 编辑.... Centrelink是澳大利亚政府的一个服务与民的法定部门, 服务范围及其广泛。在你需要帮助的时候,除了朋友,千万别忘了-Centrelink
About Centrelink
Centrelink is an Australian Government statutory agency, delivering a range of Commonwealth services to the Australian community.
Our purpose
Serving Australia by assisting people to become self-sufficient and supporting those in need. We speak your language
[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 13-11-2010 14:24 编辑 ] Publications
看一下那些款可以提前领取Advance Payments
领取福利时的资产测评Allowances and Benefits - Income and Assets TestPDF 157KB
合同工和临时工领取福利的等待期问题Are you a contract or casual worker?PDF 313KB
对单身和配偶的评定(因为影响到福利的申领)Are you a member of a couple?PDF 361KB
离开澳大利亚的福利领取期限Are you leaving Australia? PDF 338KB
同时领取政府养老金和有工作收入的规定Are You Receiving a Pension and Working?
同时领取新开始津贴和有工作收入的规定Are you receiving Newstart Allowance and Working
同时领取家长辅助金和有工作收入的规定Are You Receiving Parenting Payment and Working?
移民担保人担保期担保责任的规定Assurance of Support
2009年那次一次性津贴的发放规定Bonus Payments - Household Stimulus Package
[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 13-11-2010 21:11 编辑 ] 中文联系Centrelink的电话号码和方法Calling Centrelink in your language
居住澳境外福利的申领和联系电话Centrelink International Services
关于Centrelink面谈和家访的规定Centrelink Office and Home Interviews
对来自新西兰人士福利申领的规定Centrelink rules for people arriving from New Zealand
使用电话和网上自助服务的方法Centrelink Self Service
使用福利金支付帐单的免费服务Centrepay - Paying Your Bills Through Centrelink
一些优惠卡的领取规定Concession Cards
一次性发放的极端救急金Crisis Payment
客户服务章程 Customer Service Charter
免费得到数字电视转换机顶盒的条件 Digital Switchover Houshold Assistance Scheme Factsheet 不理解不服Centrelink决定的上诉方法Do you disagree with a Centrelink decision?
拥有大于两公顷的自助房和任何投资房地产的客户的福利领取Do you own real estate assets and receive a Centrelink payment?
2008年的特殊辅助金Economic Security Strategy Financial Assistance Payments
免费的理财咨询服务 Financial Information Service
领取福利的父母和Carers的有偿工作,学习和义工,假期孩子的看护等等的规定, Flexible arrangements for parents and principal carers
接受馈赠和赠他人对福利的影响 Gifting
对家庭暴力受害者的帮助条款Helping People Experiencing Domestic Violence
对疾病残障福利申请的无工作能力的评估Important information about your Job Capacity Assessment
由Centrelink对你进行收入管理的豁免条件Income Management exemptions
有关政府对个人收入管理的基本条款和对儿童的保护Income Management for Child Protection 个人存储能力以及政府相应配额和不服收入管理的申诉Income Management Matched Savings Payment
兼职和临时工的收入对自己同时领取的福利和配偶福利的的分段减少和扣税Information for Part-Time and Casual Workers
32页最全面的CENTRELINK服务信息中文版Information in your language
申请LLNP的讯息Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program
难民和移民服务机构 Multicultural Service Officers - MSOs
104周的新移民等待期,PR的福利待遇,人在境外的联系电话 Newly Arrived Resident's Waiting Period
老年人专讯News for Seniors - Issue 78 - Winter 2009
老年人专讯News for Seniors - Issue 79 - Spring 2009
老年人专讯News for Seniors - Issue 80 - Summer 2009
老年人专讯News for Seniors - Issue 81 - Autumn 2010
老年人专讯News for Seniors - Issue 82 - Winter 2010
[ 本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 13-11-2010 14:24 编辑 ] 2011年1月1日以后为生父母和养父母的一项福利规定Paid Parental Leave scheme
企业主的责任与这项福利Paid Parental Leave scheme for business
2009年以前的一项迟领政府养老金的津贴奖励计划Pension Bonus Scheme
老残鳏寡的一项津贴申领Pension Supplement
老残鳏寡福利申请的资产测试Pensions - Income and Assets Tests
申请福利时要提交的身份证明定义列单和相应的分数值 Proving Your Identity to Centrelink
低收入者的房租补贴 Rent Assistance
2009年推出的一项福利金额提高和有关评估的新改措施 Secure and Sustainable Pension Reforms
2009年起施行的高龄人士的福利金 Seniors Supplement
澳大利亚和新西兰双边互惠福利协议 Social Security Agreement between Australia and New Zealand CENTRELINK社会服务工作者的服务范围 Social Work Services
有关授权代理的规定Someone to deal with Centrelink for you
16页全面的CENTRELINK服务信息中文版小册子Supporting Multicultural Australians - Brochure
意见反馈表 Tell us what you think
福利领取者需要报告CENTRELINK的情况列单 Things to Tell Centrelink
2009年新政策过渡期福利影响 Transitional Rate of Pension
福利领取者收入报告表格Using the Income Record Form
自愿性由CENTRELINK进行收入管理Voluntary Income Management
新移民104周等待期不能享受的福利列单Waiting Period for Newly Arrived Migrants - Intending Residents
2005年以后获准的残障福利变化Welfare to Work: Changes to Disability Support Pension for customers granted after 10 May 2005
2005年之前获准的残障福利变化Welfare to Work: Changes to Disability Support Pension (DSP) for people on DSP prior to 10 May 2005 2006年7月起的家长福利金的变化,进入找工注册的要求 Welfare to Work: Changes to Parenting Payment from 1 July 2006
对家庭税福利和幼儿福利金影响的收入列单 What income details do I need to provide to get Family Tax Benefit and Child Care Benefit?
家人死亡时可得到的帮助 What To Do When Someone Dies
迟领政府养老金而继续有薪工作的福利 Work Bonus
工作信用额对福利收入的影响 Working Credit: Building and using your working credits
福利领取者报告收入的表格和方法 Working Credit: Helping you keep a record of your earnings - Your earnings worksheet
福利领取者申报工作收入的日期和内容Working Credit: Reporting your earnings - What you need to know
哪些福利金领取者需要报告工作收入 Working Credit: What you need to know
2009年新的政府就业服务简明指要 Your guide to the new employment services
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